php-libawl | | PHP Andrew's Web Libraries |
php-memcache | | PHP extension for memcached |
php-mode | | PHP editing mode for Emacs |
php-pcntl | | PHP extension for Process Control functions |
php-posix | | PHP extension for POSIX-like functions |
php-shmop | | PHP extension for simple SysV shared memory operations |
php-sysvmsg | | PHP extension for SysV IPC Message Queues support |
php-sysvsem | | PHP extension for SysV semaphore support |
php-sysvshm | | PHP extension for SysV shared memory support |
physfs | | Library providing abstract access to various archives |
picp | | Command-line Picstart Plus/Warp-13 PIC programmer |
picprg | | Parallel port PIC programmer |
pilrc | | Generate resources for PalmOS applications from textual description |
pipestatus | | UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely |
pkg-config | | System for managing library compile/link flags |
plotutils (V) | | Programs and library for plotting scientific data |
ply | | Python Lex-Yacc |
pmccabe | | Measures the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of C and C++ |
poco | | POCO C++ Foundation libraries |
popt | | Command line option parsing library |
prcs | | Project Revision Control System |
ProjectCenter | | GNUstep Integrated Development Environment |
psvn | | Subversion interface for Emacs |
pth | | GNU Portable Thread library |
pthread-sem | | Semaphore implementation for (PTH) pthreads |
pthread-stublib | | Library providing noop-stubs for pthread functions |
ptlib | | Portable Windows Libary |
pvs | | The PVS Specification and Verification System |
pwlib | | Portable Windows Library |
py-argparse | | Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools |
py-at-spi | | Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface |
py-babel | | Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications |
py-checker | | Python code checker |
py-cheetah | | Python-powered template engine and code-generator |
py-compizconfig | | Python bindings for libcompizconfig |
py-coverage | | Python module that measures code coverage for Python |
py-ctypes | | Foreign Function Interface package for Python |
py-curses | | Curses module for Python |
py-cursespanel | | Curses panel module for Python |
py-cython | | C-Extensions for Python |
py-darcsver | | Generate a version number from darcs history |
py-dulwich | | Python implementation of Git |
py-expect | | Expect module for Python |
py-fann | | Fast Artificial Neural Network python interface |
py-game | | Set of Python modules designed for writing games |
py-generate | | Python interface to Generate |
py-gobject | | Python bindings for glib2 gobject |
py-gobject-shared | | Python bindings for glib2 gobject |
py-idle | | IDLE - The Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python |
py-InlineEgg | | Python module for writing inline assembler programs |
py-jersey | | Framework for building Twisted Python command-line interfaces |
py-kjbuckets | | Fast set, graph and mapping operations |
py-kqueue | | Python interface to kqueue(2) and kevent(2) system calls |
py-libdnet (V) | | Python wrapper for libdnet |
py-logilab-astng | | Extend Python abstract syntax tree |
py-logilab-common | | Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects |
py-mako | | Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform |
py-mock | | Python testing framework |
py-msgpack | | MessagePack (de)serializer for Python |
py-multiprocessing | | Python threading package |
py-newt | | Windowing toolkit based on libslang (Python bindings) |
py-nose | | Unittest-based testing framework for python |
py-omniORBpy (V) | | Python interface to omniORB |
py-Optik | | Command line parsing library for Python |
py-pendrell (V) | | HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web |
py-pexpect | | Pure Python Expect-like module |
py-pqueue | | Priority-queues using fibonacci heaps |
py-Pyro | | Distributed Object Technology system in Python |
py-pysvn | | Python interface to Subversion |
py-pytemplate | | Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework |
py-pyutil | | Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers |
py-quixote | | Framework for writing Python web application |
py-readline | | Line editing support for Python |
py-rope | | Rope is a python refactoring library |
py-setuptools | | New Python packaging system |
py-setuptools_trial | | Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests |
py-sip (V) | | Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries |
py-subversion | | Python bindings and tools for Subversion |
py-subvertpy | | Alternative Python bindings for Subversion |
py-sysctl | | Python interface to sysctl(3) |
py-unit | | Unit testing framework for python |
py-unitgui | | Unit testing framework for python tk |
py-urwid | | Curses-based Python user interface library |
py-usb | | Python interface to USB via libusb |
py-windbg | | Python GUI debugger |
py-xdg | | Python library for XDG |
py-zconfig | | Configuration library |
py-zhCodecs (V) | | Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets |
py-ZopeInterface | | The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted |
python-mode | | Emacs mode for editing python files |
qbzr | | GUI front end for Bazaar |
qconf | | Configure script generator for qmake |
qof | | Query Object Framework |
qtscriptgenerator | | Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script |
quilt | | Tools to manage series of patches |
ragel | | State machine compiler |
rake | | Ruby Make |
rapidsvn | | Cross-platform Subversion GUI |
ratfor | | Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran |
RBTools | | Tool to submit patches to a Review Board |