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php-libawl PHP Andrew's Web Libraries
php-memcache PHP extension for memcached
php-mode PHP editing mode for Emacs
php-pcntl PHP extension for Process Control functions
php-posix PHP extension for POSIX-like functions
php-shmop PHP extension for simple SysV shared memory operations
php-sysvmsg PHP extension for SysV IPC Message Queues support
php-sysvsem PHP extension for SysV semaphore support
php-sysvshm PHP extension for SysV shared memory support
physfs Library providing abstract access to various archives
picp Command-line Picstart Plus/Warp-13 PIC programmer
picprg Parallel port PIC programmer
pilrc Generate resources for PalmOS applications from textual description
pipestatus UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely
pkg-config System for managing library compile/link flags
plotutils (V) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
ply Python Lex-Yacc
pmccabe Measures the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of C and C++
poco POCO C++ Foundation libraries
popt Command line option parsing library
prcs Project Revision Control System
ProjectCenter GNUstep Integrated Development Environment
psvn Subversion interface for Emacs
pth GNU Portable Thread library
pthread-sem Semaphore implementation for (PTH) pthreads
pthread-stublib Library providing noop-stubs for pthread functions
ptlib Portable Windows Libary
pvs The PVS Specification and Verification System
pwlib Portable Windows Library
py-argparse Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools
py-at-spi Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
py-babel Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
py-checker Python code checker
py-cheetah Python-powered template engine and code-generator
py-compizconfig Python bindings for libcompizconfig
py-coverage Python module that measures code coverage for Python
py-ctypes Foreign Function Interface package for Python
py-curses Curses module for Python
py-cursespanel Curses panel module for Python
py-cython C-Extensions for Python
py-darcsver Generate a version number from darcs history
py-dulwich Python implementation of Git
py-expect Expect module for Python
py-fann Fast Artificial Neural Network python interface
py-game Set of Python modules designed for writing games
py-generate Python interface to Generate
py-gobject Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py-gobject-shared Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py-idle IDLE - The Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
py-InlineEgg Python module for writing inline assembler programs
py-jersey Framework for building Twisted Python command-line interfaces
py-kjbuckets Fast set, graph and mapping operations
py-kqueue Python interface to kqueue(2) and kevent(2) system calls
py-libdnet (V) Python wrapper for libdnet
py-logilab-astng Extend Python abstract syntax tree
py-logilab-common Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
py-mako Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
py-mock Python testing framework
py-msgpack MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
py-multiprocessing Python threading package
py-newt Windowing toolkit based on libslang (Python bindings)
py-nose Unittest-based testing framework for python
py-omniORBpy (V) Python interface to omniORB
py-Optik Command line parsing library for Python
py-pendrell (V) HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web
py-pexpect Pure Python Expect-like module
py-pqueue Priority-queues using fibonacci heaps
py-Pyro Distributed Object Technology system in Python
py-pysvn Python interface to Subversion
py-pytemplate Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework
py-pyutil Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
py-quixote Framework for writing Python web application
py-readline Line editing support for Python
py-rope Rope is a python refactoring library
py-setuptools New Python packaging system
py-setuptools_trial Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests
py-sip (V) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py-subversion Python bindings and tools for Subversion
py-subvertpy Alternative Python bindings for Subversion
py-sysctl Python interface to sysctl(3)
py-unit Unit testing framework for python
py-unitgui Unit testing framework for python tk
py-urwid Curses-based Python user interface library
py-usb Python interface to USB via libusb
py-windbg Python GUI debugger
py-xdg Python library for XDG
py-zconfig Configuration library
py-zhCodecs (V) Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets
py-ZopeInterface The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted
python-mode Emacs mode for editing python files
qbzr GUI front end for Bazaar
qconf Configure script generator for qmake
qof Query Object Framework
qtscriptgenerator Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
quilt Tools to manage series of patches
ragel State machine compiler
rake Ruby Make
rapidsvn Cross-platform Subversion GUI
ratfor Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran
RBTools Tool to submit patches to a Review Board