./fonts/p5-Font-FreeType, Read font files and render glyphs from Perl using FreeType2

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Branch: pkgsrc-2014Q4, Version: 0.03nb1, Package name: p5-Font-FreeType-0.03nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This module allows Perl programs to conveniently read information from
font files. All the font access is done through the FreeType2 library,
which supports many formats. It can render images of characters with
high-quality hinting and antialiasing, extract metrics information, and
extract the outlines of characters in scalable formats like TrueType.

Required to run:
[graphics/freetype2] [lang/perl5]

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 7309f72ddf569b5868c49a8b407a5739b158e4d1
RMD160: 6bd13f34505a1c04a8050eec4b72dc763e284031
Filesize: 93.042 KB

Version history: (Expand)