p5-XML-Generator | Perl 5 module for generating XML | |
p5-XML-Grove | Perl 5 module providing simple objects for parsed XML documents | |
p5-XML-Handler-Trees | PerlSAX handlers for building tree structures | |
p5-XML-Handler-YAWriter | Another Perl module for writing XML documents | |
p5-XML-LibXML | Perl interface to the libxml2 library | |
p5-XML-LibXML-Iterator | Iterator for XML::LibXML parsed documents | |
p5-XML-LibXML-Simple | XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple | |
p5-XML-LibXSLT | Perl interface to the libxslt library | |
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport | Perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class | |
p5-XML-Node | Node-based XML parsing: an simplified interface to XML::Parser | |
p5-XML-NodeFilter | Object that know how to filter out nodes | |
p5-XML-Parser | Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat | |
p5-XML-Parser-Lite | Lightweight regexp-based XML parser | |
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree | Perl extension for a lightweight XML tree builder | |
p5-XML-Rabbit | Perl 5 module to consume XML with Moose and xpath queries | |
p5-XML-RAI | Maps RSS tags to one common simplified interface | |
p5-XML-RegExp | Provide regular expressions for some XML tokens | |
p5-XML-RSS | XML-RSS helps to create and update RSS files | |
p5-XML-RSS-Parser | Liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds | |
p5-XML-Sablotron | Perl interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor | |
p5-XML-SAX | Perl interface to the SAX2 XML Parser | |
p5-XML-SAX-Base | Perl base class SAX Drivers and Filters | |
p5-XML-SAX-Expat | Perl SAX2 XML driver sitting on top of Expat (XML::Parser) | |
p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS | Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parser | |
p5-XML-SAX-Writer | SAX2 (XML) Writer | |
p5-XML-SemanticDiff | Perl extension for comparing XML documents | |
p5-XML-Simple | Easy Perl API to read/write XML | |
p5-XML-Stream | XML::Stream provides you with access to XML Stream | |
p5-XML-Tidy | Tidy indenting of XML documents | |
p5-XML-Tiny | Simple lightweight parser for a subset of XML | |
p5-XML-TokeParser | Simplified interface to XML::Parser | |
p5-XML-TreeBuilder | Perl 5 parser that builds a tree of XML::Element objects | |
p5-XML-TreePP | Pure Perl 5 implementation for parsing/writing XML documents | |
p5-XML-Twig | Efficient XML document interface | |
p5-XML-UM | Convert UTF-8 strings to any encoding supported by XML::Encoding | |
p5-XML-Writer | Perl module for writing XML documents | |
p5-XML-Writer-String | Perl module for writing XML documents based on XML::Writer | |
p5-XML-XPath | XML XPath software | |
p5-XML-XPathEngine | Perl 5 re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees | |
p5-XML-XQL | Perl module to perform XQL queries on XML object trees | |
p5-XML-XSLT | Perl5 module for processing XSLT | |
p5-XML-XUpdate-LibXML | Simple implementation of XUpdate format based on and XML::LibXML | |
p5-yamcha | YamCha perl module | |
p5-YAML | YAML implementation for Perl | |
p5-YAML-LibYAML | Perl XS binding to libyaml | |
p5-YAML-Syck | Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper | |
p5-YAML-Tiny | Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible | |
par | Paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better | |
pdfgrep | Pdfgrep is a tool to search text in PDF files | |
pear-Console_Table | Class that makes it easy to build console style tables | |
pear-File_Find | Class that facilitates the search of filesystems | |
php-dom | PHP5 extension for DOM support | |
php-enchant | PHP extension for ENCHANT (spelling) support | |
php-excel | Pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files | |
php-intl | PHP extension for i18n | |
php-json | PHP extension for JSON serialization support | |
php-mecab | PHP extension for MeCab Morphological Analyzer | |
php-pspell | PHP extension for pspell support | |
php-sphinx | Client extension for Sphinx | |
php-wddx | PHP extension for WDDX support | |
php-xsl | PHP extension for XSLT functions | |
po-mode | PO(Portable Object) file editing mode for GNU emacs | |
po4a | Tool for using gettext where it was not intended to be used | |
pod2mdoc | Convert perl documentation (POD) into man pages (mdoc) | |
postgresql-autodoc | Generate HTML, DOT, and XML description of database structure | |
psgml-mode | SGML/XML mode for Emacs | |
pxp | Polymorphic XML parser, a validating XML-1.0 parser (OCaml) | |
py-4Suite | Open-source platform for XML and RDF processing | |
py-acora | Fast multi-keyword search engine for text strings in Python | |
py-anyjson | Wraps the JSON implementation available in a common interface | |
py-biplist | Library for reading/writing binary plists | |
py-cabocha | CaboCha python module | |
py-cElementTree | C implementation of Python ElementTree API | |
py-cjson | Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python | |
py-cmTemplate | Simple and fast Python template engine | |
py-color | Very small color printing module | |
py-colour | Converts and manipulates various color representation | |
py-creole | Creole <-> HTML converter | |
py-cssselect | Parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0 | |
py-cssutils | Cascading Style Sheets parser and library for Python | |
py-defusedxml | XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules | |
py-docutils | Python tool to generate documents | |
py-ejson | Extensible JSON serializers and deserializers | |
py-elementtree | Read XML and HTML files into trees of Element objects | |
py-empy | Powerful and robust templating system for Python | |
py-enchant | Spellchecking library for Python | |
py-Excelerator | Python library for generating Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files | |
py-expat | Python interface to expat | |
py-feedparser | Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python | |
py-ftfy | Fixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact | |
py-generateDS | Python XML data binding library | |
py-gnosis-utils | Classes for working with XML | |
py-HappyDoc | Python tool to generate Python API documents | |
py-html2text | Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text | |
py-html5lib | HTML5 parser and tokenizer | |
py-iniparse | Better INI parser for Python | |
py-jinja2 | Small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine | |
py-jsonlib | JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-2.x version) | |
py-jsonlib3 | JSON serializer/deserializer for Python (python-3.x version) | |
py-jsonschema | Implementation of JSON Schema for Python |