ruby-coffee-rails32 | Coffee Script adapter for the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline | |
ruby-compass | Stylesheet authoring framework based on Sass | |
ruby-compass-core | Compass core stylesheet library | |
ruby-compass-import-once | Speed up your Sass compilation by making @import file once | |
ruby-compass-susy-plugin | Compass plugin grid system | |
ruby-cookiejar | Client-side HTTP Cookie library | |
ruby-css-parser | Ruby CSS parser | |
ruby-cssmin | Ruby library for minifying CSS | |
ruby-csspool | CSSPool is a CSS parser | |
ruby-div | Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB | |
ruby-em-http-request | EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client | |
ruby-erubis | Fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language | |
ruby-faraday | HTTP/REST API client library | |
ruby-fcgi | FastCGI interface for Ruby | |
ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk | Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ | |
ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 | Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+ | |
ruby-htmlsplit | Ruby HTML split/join library | |
ruby-http | Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests | |
ruby-http_parser.rb | Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser | |
ruby-http_router | Kick-ass HTTP router for use in Rack | |
ruby-http-cookie | Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 | |
ruby-http-form_data | Build form data request bodies | |
ruby-httpclient | HTTP accessing library for Ruby | |
ruby-innate | Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack | |
ruby-jekyll | Blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby | |
ruby-jekyll-coffeescript | CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll | |
ruby-jekyll-gist | Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites | |
ruby-jekyll-paginate | Built-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll | |
ruby-jekyll-sass-converter | Basic Sass converter for Jekyll | |
ruby-jekyll-watch | Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes | |
ruby-journey | Journey is a router | |
ruby-jquery-rails | Rails jQuery support | |
ruby-jsmin | Ruby library for minifying JavaScript | |
ruby-liquid | Ruby library for rendering safe templates | |
ruby-loquacious (V) | Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby | |
ruby-mechanize | Library to automate interaction with websites | |
ruby-mime-types (V) | Definition of MIME types for Ruby | |
ruby-mime-types1 (V) | Definition of MIME types for Ruby | |
ruby-multipart-post | Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP | |
ruby-net-flickr | Flickr REST client | |
ruby-net-http-digest_auth | Implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication | |
ruby-net-http-persistent | Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP | |
ruby-ntlm-http | NTLM authentication over HTTP | |
ruby-padrino | Padrino Ruby Web framework | |
ruby-padrino-admin | Admin Dashboard for Padrino | |
ruby-padrino-cache | Page and fragment caching for Padrino | |
ruby-padrino-contrib | Contributed plugins and utilities for Padrino Framework | |
ruby-padrino-core | Padrino framework core | |
ruby-padrino-gen | Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications | |
ruby-padrino-helpers | Helpers for padrino | |
ruby-padrino-mailer | Mailer system for padrino | |
ruby-padrino-support | Support for padrino | |
ruby-patron | Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl | |
ruby-puma | Modern concurrent web server for Ruby | |
ruby-pygments.rb | Pygments wrapper for ruby | |
ruby-rack | Modular Ruby webserver interface | |
ruby-rack-cache | HTTP Caching for Rack | |
ruby-rack-contrib | Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities | |
ruby-rack-mount | Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router | |
ruby-rack-protection | Protection for against typical web attacks for Rack application | |
ruby-rack-rewrite | Rack middleware for enforcing rewrite rules | |
ruby-rack-ssl | Rack middleware to force SSL/TLS | |
ruby-rack-test | Simple testing API built on Rack | |
ruby-rack14 | Modular Ruby webserver interface | |
ruby-rack15 | Modular Ruby webserver interface | |
ruby-rails32 | Full-stack web application framework, Rails 3.2 | |
ruby-raindrops | Real-time statistics for Rack HTTP servers | |
ruby-rest-client | Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby inspired by Sinatra | |
ruby-sass | Powerful, but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again | |
ruby-sass-rails32 | Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline | |
ruby-selenium-webdriver | Tool for writing automated tests of websites | |
ruby-sinatra | Classy web-development dressed in a DSL | |
ruby-sinatra-contrib | Collection of useful Sinatra extensions | |
ruby-sprockets (V) | Rack-based asset packaging system | |
ruby-sprockets22 (V) | Rack-based asset packaging system | |
ruby-staticmatic | Lightweight static site framework | |
ruby-tag | Ruby Simple HTML Tag library for CGI | |
ruby-uglifier (V) | Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor | |
ruby-unicorn | Rack HTTP server for fast clients and Unix | |
ruby-url_mount | Universal mounting points for rack applications | |
ruby-webrobots | Ruby library to help write robots.txt compliant web robots | |
ruby-websocket | Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol | |
ruby-webunit | HTTP unit testing framework for Ruby | |
screws | SCRipt Enhanced Web Server | |
seamonkey | Full-featured gecko-based browser | |
seamonkey-l10n | Language packs for www/seamonkey | |
serf | High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library | |
shibboleth-sp | Shibboleth2 Service Provider | |
sitecopy | Utility for synchronizing remote and local web sites | |
snarf | Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL | |
snownews | Small, curses based RSS feed reader | |
SOGo | Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV | |
spawn-fcgi | FastCGI deployment tool | |
spdylay | Experimental SPDY protocol version 2, 3 and 3.1 implementation in C | |
SpeedyCGI | Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently | |
sqtop | Display active client connections for Squid | |
squid3 | Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator | |
squidanalyzer | Squid proxy native log analyser and reports generator | |
squidclamav | Clamav ICAP service and redirector for Squid | |
squidGuard | Ultrafast and free filter, redirector and access controller for Squid |