py-paste | | Middleware for Python WSGI applications |
py-PasteDeploy | | Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers |
py-PasteScript | | Pluggable command-line frontend for setting up package file layouts |
py-pelican | | Static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax |
py-pendrell | | HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web |
py-pisa (V) | | HTML2pdf converter (obsolete, use print/py-weasyprint instead) |
py-python-digest | | Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication |
py-python-mimeparse | | Module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names |
py-python3-digest | | Python library to aid in implementing HTTP Digest Authentication |
py-pywebdav | | Standards compliant Python WebDAV server and library |
py-recaptcha | | Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide |
py-Routes | | Python re-implementation of the Rails routes system for mapping URLs |
py-rss2gen | | Python module to generate RSS feeds |
py-scgi | | Simple Common Gateway Interface |
py-simpletal | | Stand alone implementation of the Zope TAL |
py-sparqlwrapper | | SPARQL endpoint interface to Python |
py-speaklater (V) | | Implements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext |
py-static | | Serve static or templated content via WSGI or stand-alone |
py-swish-e | | Simple Python binding for Swish-E |
py-test-httpbin | | Easily test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin |
py-tornado | | Fast and non-blocking web framework |
py-trytond-web-user | | The web_user module of the Tryton application platform |
py-trytond-webdav | | Webdav module of the Tryton application platform |
py-twill | | Python package for the twill Web browsing language |
py-uliweb | | Easy python web framework |
py-uritemplate (V) | | Python implementation of RFC6570, URI Template |
py-urllib3 | | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling |
py-URLObject | | Utility class for manipulating URLs |
py-uwsgi | | Feature-rich WSGI server |
py-uwsgitop | | Command to interface with the uWSGI stats server |
py-waitress | | Production-quality pure-Python WSGI server |
py-webassets | | Asset management for Python web development |
py-webcolors | | Library for working with color specifications for HTML and CSS |
py-webencodings (V) | | Character encoding for the web |
py-WebOb | | Python module providing WSGI request and response objects |
py-webpy | | Simple, public domain web publishing system |
py-werkzeug | | Python WSGI Utility Library |
py-werkzeug-docs | | Python WSGI Utility Library (HTML documentation) |
py-wtforms | | Flexible forms validation and rendering library |
py-wtforms-alchemy | | Generates WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models |
py-wtforms-components | | Additional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms |
py-wtforms-recaptcha | | Custom WTForms field that handles reCaptcha display and validation |
py-wtforms-test | | Various unit test helpers for WTForms based forms |
qDecoder | | Web Application Interface for C/C++ (CGI Library) |
raggle | | Console-based screen(1)-aware RSS reader written in Ruby |
ramaze | | Ruby lightweight, modular, web application framework |
rekonq | | web browser for KDE based on WebKit |
ruby-actionpack32 | | Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails 3.2) |
ruby-activeresource32 | | REST modeling framework (part of Rails 3.2) |
ruby-borges | | Ruby web application framework |
ruby-capybara | | Integration testing tool for rack based web applications |
ruby-clearsilver | | Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system |
ruby-coffee-rails32 | | Coffee Script adapter for the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline |
ruby-compass | | Stylesheet authoring framework based on Sass |
ruby-compass-core | | Compass core stylesheet library |
ruby-compass-import-once | | Speed up your Sass compilation by making @import file once |
ruby-compass-susy-plugin | | Compass plugin grid system |
ruby-cookiejar | | Client-side HTTP Cookie library |
ruby-css-parser | | Ruby CSS parser |
ruby-cssmin | | Ruby library for minifying CSS |
ruby-csspool | | CSSPool is a CSS parser |
ruby-div | | Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB |
ruby-em-http-request | | EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client |
ruby-erubis | | Fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language |
ruby-faraday | | HTTP/REST API client library |
ruby-fcgi | | FastCGI interface for Ruby |
ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk | | Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ |
ruby-gnome2-webkit-gtk2 | | Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+ |
ruby-htmlsplit | | Ruby HTML split/join library |
ruby-http | | Simple Ruby DSL for making HTTP requests |
ruby-http_parser.rb | | Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser |
ruby-http_router | | Kick-ass HTTP router for use in Rack |
ruby-http-cookie | | Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265 |
ruby-http-form_data | | Build form data request bodies |
ruby-httpclient | | HTTP accessing library for Ruby |
ruby-innate | | Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack |
ruby-jekyll | | Blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby |
ruby-jekyll-archives | | Automatically generates post archives by dates, tags, and categories |
ruby-jekyll-coffeescript | | CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll |
ruby-jekyll-gist | | Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites |
ruby-jekyll-paginate | | Built-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll |
ruby-jekyll-sass-converter | | Basic Sass converter for Jekyll |
ruby-jekyll-watch | | Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes |
ruby-journey | | Journey is a router |
ruby-jquery-rails | | Rails jQuery support |
ruby-jsmin | | Ruby library for minifying JavaScript |
ruby-liquid | | Ruby library for rendering safe templates |
ruby-loquacious (V) | | Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby |
ruby-mechanize | | Library to automate interaction with websites |
ruby-mime-types (V) | | Definition of MIME types for Ruby |
ruby-mime-types1 (V) | | Definition of MIME types for Ruby |
ruby-mime-types2 (V) | | Definition of MIME types for Ruby |
ruby-multipart-post | | Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP |
ruby-mustermann19 | | Use patterns like regular expressions |
ruby-net-flickr | | Flickr REST client |
ruby-net-http-digest_auth | | Implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication |
ruby-net-http-persistent | | Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP |
ruby-ntlm-http | | NTLM authentication over HTTP |
ruby-padrino | | Padrino Ruby Web framework |
ruby-padrino-admin | | Admin Dashboard for Padrino |