graphite2 | | Cross-platform rendering for complex writing systems |
graphviz | | Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs |
graphviz-dot-mode | | Graphviz dot mode for Emacs |
gri | | Language for scientific graphics applications |
gst-plugins0.10-cairo | | Open source multimedia framework - cairo plugin |
gst-plugins0.10-jpeg | | Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin |
gst-plugins0.10-png | | Open source multimedia framework - png plugin |
gst-plugins1-cairo | | Open source multimedia framework - cairo plugin |
gst-plugins1-jpeg | | Open source multimedia framework - jpeg plugin |
gst-plugins1-png | | Open source multimedia framework - png plugin |
gthumb | | Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop |
gthumb3 | | Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop |
gtkam | | Digital camera access graphical client (GTK2) |
gtkglext | | OpenGL extension to GTK |
gtkimageview | | Image viewer widget for GTK |
gtksee | | Gtk-based image viewing and cataloging program |
gts | | GNU Triangulated Surface Library |
guetzli | | JPEG encoder with great compression at high quality |
guile-cairo | | Guile wrapper for cairo |
GUIlib | | Very simple GUI framework library |
gwenview | | KDE image viewer |
h5utils | | Utilities for conversion from/to HDF5 |
hermes | | Library for conversion of pixel graphics |
hicolor-icon-theme | | Standard icon theme called hicolor |
hp2xx | | HPGL converter and previewer |
hugin | | Panorama photo stitcher |
icon-naming-utils | | Adapts GNOME and KDE icon names to the Icon Naming Specification |
icoutils | | Tools for Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files |
iGMT | | Interactive Mapping of Geoscientific Datasets |
ilmbase | | High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format library and tools |
ImageMagick | | Package for display and interactive manipulation of images |
ImageMagick6 | | Package for display and interactive manipulation of images |
ImageViewer | | GNUstep image display application |
imlib | | Image manipulation library for X11 |
imlib-gtk | | Image manipulation library for X11 (gtk bits) |
imlib2 | | Image manipulation library |
impress | | WYSIWYG vector graphics application |
inkscape | | Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor |
ivtools | | Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics |
jasper | | Software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec |
jbig2dec | | JBIG2 decoder library |
jbigkit | | JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library |
jhead | | Extract EXIF header from JPEG image |
jpeg | | IJG's jpeg compression utilities |
jpeg_ls | | JPEG-LS codec (lossless/near-lossless codec) |
jpeg2ps | | Convert jpeg images to PostScript level 2 or 3 |
jpeginfo | | Generates informative listings from JPEG files |
jpegoptim | | JPEG optimizer |
jpegpixi | | Low-loss JPEG interpolator to remove bad pixels |
jpegquality | | Print quantization tables of a JPEG file |
jxrlib | | JPEG XR library |
kamera | | KDE digital camera manager |
kcolorchooser | | KDE color chooser |
kde-base-artwork | | KDE KSplash theme |
kdegraphics-mobipocket | | Library to support mobipocket ebooks |
kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer | | Graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search |
kdegraphics-thumbnailers | | Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE |
kgamma | | KDE screen gamma values kcontrol module |
kiconthemes | | Support for icon themes |
kimageformats | | Image format plugins for Qt5 |
kipi-plugins | | Common plugin structure for KDE4 programs |
kolourpaint | | KDE paint program |
koverartist | | CD/DVD case designer |
kplotting | | Lightweight plotting framework |
kqtquickcharts4 | | Beautiful and interactive charts for Qt Quick 1.0 |
krita | | Raster graphics editor for digital painting |
kruler | | KDE screen ruler |
ksaneplugin | | SANE Plugin for KDE |
ksnapshot | | KDE screen capture program |
lasem | | Lasem is a library for rendering SVG and Mathml |
lcms | | Little Color Management System -- a color management library |
lcms2 | | Little Color Management System - a color management library |
lensfun | | Library for rectifying defects introduced by photographic equipment |
lepton | | Lossless compression/decompression for JPEG images |
leptonica | | Software for image processing and image analysis applications |
lib3ds | | 3D Studio File Format Library |
libart | | High-performance 2D graphics library |
libbpg | | Better Portable Graphics image format library |
libcaca | | Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, in colour |
libdmtx | | Software for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodes |
libepoxy | | Library for OpenGL function pointer management |
libexif | | EXIF file library |
libexif-gtk | | EXIF file library (GTK2 interface) |
libfpx | | Library for reading and writing FlashPix images |
libgdiplus | | Implementation of the GDI+ API |
libggi | | General Graphics Interface library is a flexible drawing library |
libggigcp | | Color management extension for GGI |
libggimisc | | Miscellaneous graphics target features for GGI |
libggiwmh | | Windows Manager hints library for GGI |
libgii | | General Input Interface - API for all possible input sources |
libgiigic | | General Input Configurator for GGI |
libgltf | | Rendering library for glTF |
libgnomecanvas | | GNOME Canvas library |
libgnomecanvasmm | | C++ bindings for libgnomecanvas |
libimagequant | | High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color |
libiptcdata | | Library to parse IPTC metadata |
libjpeg-turbo | | Accelerated libjpeg with SIMD instructions |
libkdcraw | | KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper |
libkexiv2 | | KDE wrapper around exiv2 |
libkface | | LibFace Library interface for KDE |