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py-certifi Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
py-crack Python interface to cracklib
py-crcmod Cyclic Redundancy Checksums in Python
py-cryptkit Python Cryptographic Toolkit
py-crypto Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
py-cryptodome Cryptographic and hash functions for Python
py-cryptography Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
py-cryptography_vectors Cryptographic test vectors
py-cryptopp Python wrapper for (and copy of parts of) crypto++
py-cybox Python library for manipulating CybOX content
py-denyhosts Watch auth log for invalid ssh login attempts and block hosts
py-Des DES implementation in python
py-ecdsa Easy-to-use implementation of ECDSA cryptography
py-ezPyCrypto Easy Python API for strong encryption
py-flask-sslify (V) Force SSL on your Flask app
py-gnupg Python module for GnuPG interface
py-google-reauth Library to support two-factor authentication
py-gssapi Low-level and high-level wrappers around GSSAPI C libraries
py-hsm Python package that talk to a YubiHSM
py-http_ece (V) Python support for the encryped Content-Encoding (RFC 8188)
py-itsdangerous Helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back
py-josepy JOSE protocol implementation in Python using cryptography
py-kerberos Python Kerberos implementation
py-keyring Store and access your passwords safely
py-keyrings.alt Alternate keyring implementations
py-lasso Liberty Alliance Single Sign On implementation
py-libnacl Python bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
py-libtaxii Python library for handling TAXII Messages and Services
py-m2crypto Crypto and SSL toolkit for Python
py-mcrypt Python interface to mcrypt library
py-mohawk Library for Hawk HTTP authorization
py-nacl Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library
py-ndg_httpsclient HTTPS client implementation for httplib and urllib2 based on PyOpenSSL
py-ntlm-auth NTLM authentication handler for python-requests
py-oath Python implementation of OATH (HOTP, TOTP, OCRA)
py-oauth2client Python library for accessing resources protected by OAuth 2.0
py-oauthlib Generic implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
py-openid Python module for OpenID
py-OpenSSL Python interface to the OpenSSL library
py-OTXv2 Python SDK for AlienVault OTX
py-paramiko SSH2 protocol library
py-passlib Comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
py-pbkdf2 PKCS #5 v2.0 PBKDF2 Module
py-prewikka Prelude-IDS console
py-pydeep Python bindings for ssdeep
py-requests-kerberos Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests
py-requests-ntlm NTLM authentication handler for python-requests
py-requests-oauthlib OAuthlib support for Python-Requests
py-rsa Pure-Python RSA implementation
py-service_identity Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL
py-simplesha3 Simple SHA-3 implementation for Python
py-slowaes Implementation of AES in pure Python
py-smbpasswd Python SMB Password Hash Generator
py-SSLCrypto Python bindings for openssl
py-stix Python library for manipulating STIX content
py-tlslite SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 in Python
py-trustme Number on quality TLS certs while you wait
py-trytond-authentication-sms The authentication_sms module of the Tryton application platform
py-u2f U2F host library for interacting with a U2F device
py-urllib2-kerberos Kerberos over HTTP Negotiate/SPNEGO support for urllib2
py-xmlsec Python bindings for XMLSec Library
py-yara Yara python bindings
py-yubiauth YubiAuth authentication backend
pyca Administration tools for X.509/PKIX CA
qca2 Cross-platform crypto API for QT
qca2-gnupg Cross-platform crypto API for QT - GnuPG plugin
qca2-ossl Cross-platform crypto API for QT - OpenSSL plugin
qca2-qt5 Cross-platform crypto API for QT5
qca2-qt5-gnupg Cross-platform crypto API for QT5 - GnuPG plugin
qca2-qt5-ossl Cross-platform crypto API for QT5 - OpenSSL plugin
qgpgme Qt bindings for GPGme
qident Small program to query an ident protocol server (rfc1413)
qoauth OAuth library for Qt
qore-asn1-module ASN.1 Qore module
qore-ssh2-module SSH2 module for Qore
qore-xmlsec-module XMLSec module for Qore
qt4-qtkeychain Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely
R-digest Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects
racoon2 IPsec key management system (IKEv2, IKEv1, and KINK)
rainbowcrack Hash cracker
rats Rough Auditing Tool for Security
rc5des Binaries for taking part in the rc5des challenge
rid Remote Intrusion Detection to track down compromised hosts
rsaref Encryption/authentication library, RSA/MDX/DES
ruby-airbrussh Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output
ruby-bcrypt OpenBSD's bcrypt() password hashing algorithm for Ruby
ruby-bcrypt_pbkdf Ruby implementation of bcrypt_pdkdf from OpenBSD
ruby-ezcrypto Ruby object-oriented wrapper for OpenSSL libraries
ruby-highline (V) High-level console IO library
ruby-highline17 (V) High-level console IO library
ruby-hmac Common interface to HMAC functionality
ruby-jsobfu Javascript code obfuscator
ruby-metasploit_payloads-mettle Compiled binaries for Metasploit\'s next-gen Meterpreter
ruby-metasploit-concern Automatically include concern modules
ruby-metasploit-model Models shared between metasploit-framework and metasploit_data_models
ruby-metasploit-payloads Compiled binaries for Metasploit\'s Meterpreter
ruby-nessus_rest Ruby library for Nessus JSON/REST interface
ruby-net-scp Secure copy for Ruby
ruby-net-sftp Secure FTP for Ruby
ruby-net-ssh Secure shell for Ruby