Path to this page:
Verifier for NetBSD packages
Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q3,
Version: 5.7.24nb2,
Package name: pkglint-5.7.24nb2,
Maintainer: rilligpkglint checks whether a pkgsrc package conforms to the various
conventions established over the years. It produces warnings, errors and
notes and, upon request, explains them.
Before importing a new package or making changes to an existing package,
pkglint should be run in the package's directory to check for common
This is the current version of pkglint. Because it is written in go,
it does not run on all pkgsrc platforms; see also pkglint4.
Required to run:[
Required to build:[
devel/go-sys] [
lang/go112] [
security/go-crypto] [
Master sites:
Version history: (Expand)
- (2019-11-17) Updated to version: pkglint-5.7.24nb2
- (2019-10-02) Package added to, version pkglint-5.7.24nb1 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2019-11-17 09:30:22 by S.P.Zeidler | Files touched by this commit (158) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #6083 - requested by leot
lang/go112: security update
lang/go: update available version
Revisions pulled up:
- lang/go/ 1.70
- lang/go112/PLIST 1.8
- lang/go112/distinfo 1.8
Revision bump for:
- archivers/go-xz/Makefile
- chat/coyim/Makefile
- chat/matterircd/Makefile
- databases/go-etcd/Makefile
- databases/go-ldap/Makefile
- databases/influxdb/Makefile
- databases/postgres_exporter/Makefile
- databases/prometheus/Makefile
- devel/git-lfs/Makefile
- devel/go-afero/Makefile
- devel/go-amber/Makefile
- devel/go-appengine/Makefile
- devel/go-assert/Makefile
- devel/go-blackfriday/Makefile
- devel/go-buffruneio/Makefile
- devel/go-cast/Makefile
- devel/go-check/Makefile
- devel/go-cli/Makefile
- devel/go-cobra/Makefile
- devel/go-colorable/Makefile
- devel/go-colortext/Makefile
- devel/go-colour/Makefile
- devel/go-consul-api/Makefile
- devel/go-debounce/Makefile
- devel/go-ed25519/Makefile
- devel/go-emoji/Makefile
- devel/go-errors/Makefile
- devel/go-flags-svent/Makefile
- devel/go-fnmatch/Makefile
- devel/go-fs/Makefile
- devel/go-fsnotify/Makefile
- devel/go-fsync/Makefile
- devel/go-gitmap/Makefile
- devel/go-glog/Makefile
- devel/go-gls/Makefile
- devel/go-gocode/Makefile
- devel/go-godef/Makefile
- devel/go-godirwalk/Makefile
- devel/go-godotenv/Makefile
- devel/go-golang-lru/Makefile
- devel/go-goorgeous/Makefile
- devel/go-gopkgs/Makefile
- devel/go-goptlib/Makefile
- devel/go-goreturns/Makefile
- devel/go-gox/Makefile
- devel/go-hashstructure/Makefile
- devel/go-homedir/Makefile
- devel/go-humanize/Makefile
- devel/go-i18n/Makefile
- devel/go-immutable-radix/Makefile
- devel/go-ini/Makefile
- devel/go-iochan/Makefile
- devel/go-isatty/Makefile
- devel/go-jwalterweatherman/Makefile
- devel/go-kingpin.v3-unstable/Makefile
- devel/go-locker/Makefile
- devel/go-logrus/Makefile
- devel/go-mapstructure/Makefile
- devel/go-mapstructure-bep/Makefile
- devel/go-mow-cli/Makefile
- devel/go-nbreader/Makefile
- devel/go-nitro/Makefile
- devel/go-osext/Makefile
- devel/go-pflag/Makefile
- devel/go-properties/Makefile
- devel/go-protobuf/Makefile
- devel/go-purell/Makefile
- devel/go-ratelimit/Makefile
- devel/go-repr/Makefile
- devel/go-review/Makefile
- devel/go-sanitized_anchor_name/Makefile
- devel/go-shellwords/Makefile
- devel/go-shuffle/Makefile
- devel/go-siphash/Makefile
- devel/go-sync/Makefile
- devel/go-sys/Makefile
- devel/go-termbox/Makefile
- devel/go-testify/Makefile
- devel/go-thrift/Makefile
- devel/go-tools/Makefile
- devel/go-try/Makefile
- devel/go-viper/Makefile
- devel/go-yaml/Makefile
- devel/golint/Makefile
- devel/google-api-go-client/Makefile
- graphics/go-image/Makefile
- graphics/go-imaging/Makefile
- graphics/go-resize/Makefile
- graphics/go-smartcrop/Makefile
- lang/go-hcl/Makefile
- mail/postforward/Makefile
- math/go-stats/Makefile
- math/go-units/Makefile
- misc/go-genproto/Makefile
- misc/go-genproto-googleapis-rpc/Makefile
- net/aws-sdk-go/Makefile
- net/dnscrypt-proxy2/Makefile
- net/gcloud-golang-metadata/Makefile
- net/go-dns/Makefile
- net/go-dnstap/Makefile
- net/go-framestream/Makefile
- net/go-grpc/Makefile
- net/go-net/Makefile
- net/go-ovh/Makefile
- net/go-websocket/Makefile
- net/hub/Makefile
- net/obfs4proxy/Makefile
- net/syncthing/Makefile
- pkgtools/pkglint/Makefile
- security/2fa/Makefile
- security/go-asn1-ber/Makefile
- security/go-crypt/Makefile
- security/go-crypto/Makefile
- security/go-mkcert/Makefile
- security/go-oauth2/Makefile
- security/go-sftp/Makefile
- security/vault/Makefile
- sysutils/beats/Makefile
- sysutils/consul/Makefile
- sysutils/fzf/Makefile
- sysutils/goreman/Makefile
- sysutils/lf/Makefile
- sysutils/node_exporter/Makefile
- sysutils/vultr/Makefile
- textproc/go-chroma/Makefile
- textproc/go-diff/Makefile
- textproc/go-glob/Makefile
- textproc/go-inflect/Makefile
- textproc/go-md2man/Makefile
- textproc/go-mmark/Makefile
- textproc/go-prose/Makefile
- textproc/go-regexp2/Makefile
- textproc/go-runewidth/Makefile
- textproc/go-sentences/Makefile
- textproc/go-tablewriter/Makefile
- textproc/go-text/Makefile
- textproc/sift/Makefile
- www/caddy/Makefile
- www/gitea/Makefile
- www/go-ace/Makefile
- www/go-cssmin/Makefile
- www/go-gogs-client/Makefile
- www/go-gohtml/Makefile
- www/go-libsass/Makefile
- www/go-minify/Makefile
- www/go-parse/Makefile
- www/go-spritewell/Makefile
- www/go-tocss/Makefile
- www/go-toml-burntsushi/Makefile
- www/go-toml-pelletier/Makefile
- www/go-urlesc/Makefile
- www/go-webhooks/Makefile
- www/grafana/Makefile
- www/hugo/Makefile
- www/pup/Makefile
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: bsiegert
Date: Fri Oct 18 14:48:29 UTC 2019
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/lang/go112: PLIST distinfo
Log message:
Update go112 to 1.12.12.
qo1.12.11 (released 2019/10/17) includes security fixes to the crypto/dsa
package. See the Go 1.12.11 milestone on our issue tracker for details.
go1.12.12 (released 2019/10/17) includes fixes to the go command, runtime,
syscall and net packages. See the Go 1.12.12 milestone on our issue tracker
for details.
To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -u -r1.69 -r1.70 pkgsrc/lang/go/
cvs rdiff -u -r1.7 -r1.8 pkgsrc/lang/go112/PLIST pkgsrc/lang/go112/distinfo