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The following packages where found to depend on x11/gtk2Previous - Results
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Next- emulators/fuse, Required to run
- emulators/mess, Required to run
- emulators/e-uae, Required to run
- emulators/xnp2, Required to run
- emulators/gpsim, Required to run
- emulators/tme, Required to run
- emulators/uae, Required to run
- emulators/nestopia, Required to run
- emulators/mame, Required to run
- wm/xfce4-wm-themes, Required to run
- wm/selectwm, Required to run
- wm/wbar, Required to run
- wm/compiz, Required to run
- wm/metacity, Required to run
- wm/afterstep, Required to run
- wm/e16menuedit2, Required to run
- wm/oroborox, Required to run
- wm/xfce4-wm, Required to run
- wm/sawfish, Required to run
- wm/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, Required to run
- wm/fluxconf, Required to run
- wm/wmakerconf, Required to run
- archivers/file-roller, Required to run
- misc/kanjipad, Required to run
- misc/libreoffice, Required to run
- misc/openoffice3, Required to run
- misc/goffice0.6, Required to run
- misc/gkrellm-weather, Required to run
- misc/goffice0.8, Required to run
- misc/mousetweaks, Required to run
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