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The following packages where found to depend on x11/qt4-libsPrevious - Results
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Next- meta-pkgs/bulk-large, Required to build
- databases/sqliteman, Required to run
- databases/sqlitebrowser, Required to run
- time/rsibreak, Required to run
- time/ktimer, Required to run
- lang/basic256, Required to run
- math/cgal, Required to run
- math/analitza, Required to run
- math/kalgebra, Required to run
- math/cantor, Required to run
- math/kcalc, Required to run
- math/speedcrunch, Required to run
- math/extcalc, Required to run
- editors/lyx, Required to run
- editors/kile, Required to run
- editors/texstudio, Required to run
- editors/qgoogletranslator, Required to run
- editors/texmaker, Required to run
- editors/sasm, Required to run
- editors/kate, Required to run
- editors/texworks, Required to run
- inputmethod/mozc-server, Required to run
- inputmethod/ibus-mozc, Required to run
- inputmethod/ibus-qt, Required to run
- inputmethod/kimera, Required to run
- inputmethod/mozc-elisp, Required to run
- inputmethod/uim-mozc, Required to run
- inputmethod/mozc-renderer, Required to run
- inputmethod/mozc-tool, Required to run
- games/granatier, Required to run
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