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The following packages where found to depend on x11/gtkPrevious - Results
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Next- devel/pilrc, Required to run
- devel/maketool, Required to run
- devel/gcvs, Required to run
- net/driftnet, Required to run
- net/wistumbler, Required to run
- net/IglooFTP, Required to run
- net/napshare, Required to run
- net/xtraceroute, Required to run
- net/lopster, Required to run
- net/gtk_wicontrol, Required to run
- x11/xvattr, Required to run
- x11/gtk+extra, Required to run
- x11/lablgtk1, Required to run
- x11/gtkstep, Required to run
- x11/xmms-osd, Required to run
- x11/xdialog, Required to run
- x11/gtkglarea, Required to run
- wm/amaterus, Required to run
- databases/gtksql, Required to run
- databases/quicklist, Required to run
- audio/freezetag, Required to run
- audio/xmms-musepack, Required to run
- audio/xmms-esound, Required to run
- audio/xhippo, Required to run
- audio/gtkmserv, Required to run
- audio/xmms, Required to run
- audio/xmms-faad, Required to run
- audio/xmms-nas, Required to run
- graphics/gtksee, Required to run
- graphics/gdk-pixbuf, Required to run
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