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The following packages where found to depend on devel/glib2Previous - Results
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Next- x11/gnome-mag, Required to run
- net/glib-networking, Required to run
- net/gnet, Required to run
- net/libnids, Required to run
- net/gupnp-igd, Required to run
- net/libIDL, Required to run
- net/wireshark, Required to run
- net/ekiga, Required to run
- net/gssdp, Required to run
- net/sayaka, Required to run
- games/gbrainy, Required to run
- games/gnome-games, Required to run
- cad/pcb, Required to run
- math/gnome-calculator, Required to run
- math/gcalctool, Required to run
- math/R, Required to run
- emulators/gpsim, Required to run
- emulators/libspectrum, Required to run
- fonts/gucharmap, Required to run
- converters/wv, Required to run
- www/bluefish, Required to run
- www/webkit-gtk, Required to run
- www/liferea, Required to run
- www/epiphany-extensions, Required to run
- www/amaya, Required to run
- www/librest07, Required to run
- textproc/json-glib, Required to run
- textproc/groonga, Required to run
- textproc/gtk-doc, Required to run
- textproc/enchant, Required to run
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