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The following packages where found to depend on graphics/pngPrevious - Results
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Next- graphics/evas-png, Required to run
- graphics/lensfun, Required to run
- x11/p5-Tk, Required to run
- x11/XmHTML, Required to run
- x11/fltk, Required to run
- x11/aterm, Required to run
- x11/fox, Required to run
- net/mrtg, Required to run
- net/guacamole-server, Required to run
- games/freeciv-client, Required to run
- games/warzone2100, Required to run
- games/neverball, Required to run
- wm/windowmaker, Required to run
- wm/afterstep, Required to run
- math/grace, Required to run
- math/R, Required to run
- emulators/zsnes, Required to run
- emulators/raine, Required to run
- emulators/dosbox, Required to run
- emulators/wine-devel, Required to run
- emulators/stella, Required to run
- emulators/snes9x-gtk, Required to run
- emulators/libretro-dolphin, Required to run
- emulators/fuse-emulator, Required to run
- emulators/dolphin-emu, Required to run
- emulators/vice, Required to run
- emulators/openmsx, Required to run
- emulators/libretro-pcsx-rearmed, Required to run
- emulators/fs-uae, Required to run
- emulators/atari800, Required to run
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