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The following packages where found to depend on graphics/freetype2Previous - Results
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Next- devel/SDL_ttf, Required to run
- www/links-gui, Required to run
- www/webkit24-gtk, Required to run
- www/webkit-gtk, Required to run
- www/webkit24-gtk3, Required to run
- x11/libXfont, Required to run
- x11/fox, Required to run
- x11/libXft, Required to run
- databases/rrdtool, Required to run
- sysutils/ups-nut-cgi, Required to run
- multimedia/libass, Required to run
- multimedia/transcode, Required to run
- multimedia/libbluray, Required to run
- editors/TeXmacs, Required to run
- games/warzone2100, Required to run
- games/teeworlds, Required to run
- wm/afterstep, Required to run
- wm/enlightenment, Required to run
- time/xonclock, Required to run
- chat/coyim, Required to run
- misc/root, Required to run
- misc/libreoffice, Required to run
- fonts/SDL2_ttf, Required to run
- fonts/harfbuzz, Required to run
- fonts/mkfontscale, Required to run
- audio/xine-alsa, Required to run
- audio/xine-pulse, Required to run
- audio/xine-esound, Required to run
- graphics/libotf, Required to run
- graphics/libwmf, Required to run
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