./databases/p5-Rose-DB-Object, Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper

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Branch: pkgsrc-2007Q4, Version: 0.764, Package name: p5-Rose-DB-Object-0.764, Maintainer: abs

Rose::DB::Object is a base class for objects that encapsulate a
single row in a database table. It provides the following functions:

* Create a row in the database by saving a newly constructed object.
* Initialize an object by loading a row from the database.
* Update a row by saving a modified object back to the database.
* Delete a row from the database.
* Fetch an object referred to by a foreign key in the current object.
(i.e., "one to one" and "many to one" relationships.)
* Fetch multiple objects that refer to the current object, either directly
through foreign keys or indirectly through a mapping table. (i.e., "one
to many" and "many to many" relationships.)
* Load an object along with "foreign objects" that are related through any
of the supported relationship types.

Required to run:
[time/p5-Rose-DateTime] [devel/p5-List-MoreUtils] [devel/p5-Bit-Vector] [devel/p5-Clone] [databases/p5-DBI] [databases/p5-Rose-DB]

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 08145812f6f78e445bf969d772bade89c24212c7
RMD160: 53cec918ccad588a5cc075fa9d14465ada40b4b8
Filesize: 471.714 KB

Version history: (Expand)