aap | | make(1) replacement |
acme | | Cross assembler for 6502, 65c02, and 65816 |
acr | | Autoconf replacement |
acunia-jam | | Acunia version of the program construction tool, like make(1) |
adocman | | DocManager operation automation tool |
aegis | | Aegis is a transaction base software configuration management system |
ald | | Very nice x86 assembly-level debugger |
allegro | | Allegro game programming library |
anjuta | | Gnome based IDE for C and C++ |
ap2-subversion (V) | | WebDAV server (Apache module) for Subversion |
apache-ant | | Apache Project's Java-Based make(1) replacement |
apache-ant15 | | Apache Project's Java-Based make(1) replacement |
apache-maven | | Apache Project's software project management and comprehension tool |
apel | | Portable Emacs library |
apr | | Apache Portable Runtime |
apr-util | | Apache Portable Runtime utilities |
apr0 | | Apache Portable Runtime |
arena | | ANSI C like scripting language |
argp | | Argument parsing function from glibc |
argtable | | Library for parsing command line arguments of a C/C++ program |
ArX | | Distributed revision control system |
as31 | | 8031/8051 assembler |
asm2html | | Tool to convert NASM source files to HTML |
astyle | | Reindenter and reformatter of C++, C and Java source code |
at-spi | | Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface |
atasm (V) | | Cross-assembler for 6502 optimized to code for Atari 8 bit computers |
atf | | Automated testing framework |
atk | | Set of interfaces for accessibility |
autoconf | | Generates automatic source code configuration scripts |
autoconf213 | | Generates automatic source code configuration scripts (old version) |
autogen | | The Automated Text and Program Generation Tool |
automake | | GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator |
automake14 | | GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (old version) |
automoc4 | | Automatic moc for Qt 4 packages |
avl | | Library for manipulation of balanced binary trees |
avltree | | In-memory index w/ binary and string keys and key counts |
bcc | | Bruce Evans' C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code |
bglibs | | Collection of libraries by Bruce Guenter |
bin86 | | Simple assembler and linker for x86 machine code |
binutils | | GNU binary utilities |
bison | | GNU yacc(1) replacement |
blame | | Annotate RCS-controlled text line by line |
blib | | Blinkenlights library |
bmake | | Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility |
boaconstructor | | Python IDE |
boehm-gc | | Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++ |
boost (V) | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries |
boost-build | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Build framework) |
boost-docs | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (documentation) |
boost-headers | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (build-time headers) |
boost-jam | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Jam utility) |
boost-libs | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries) |
boost-python | | Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library) |
bouml | | UML modeling tool, generates C++, JAVA, and IDL |
buddy | | Library for binary decision diagrams |
bugzilla | | Web based bug tracking system |
bugzilla3 | | Web based bug tracking system |
buildtool | | Portable build infrastructure |
buildtool-doc | | Portable build infrastructure - manual |
byacc | | Berkeley Yacc |
bzr | | Bazaar open source distributed version control system |
bzr-gtk | | Various GTK+ frontends to Bazaar commands |
bzr-svn | | Foreign Subversion repositoriy support for Bazaar |
bzrtools | | Collection of plugins for Bazaar |
c-cpp-reference | | C and C++ reference for the KDE IDE |
c4 | | CVS-like frontend to Perforce |
cbrowser | | Graphical C/C++ source code browsing tool, and call graph viewer |
ccache | | Cache for C/C++ compilers |
cdecl | | Utility to explain and compose C and C++ declarations |
cdk | | Curses Development Kit |
cfitsio | | FITS (flexible image transport system) file input and output |
cflow | | Code-path flow analyzer for C |
cflow-mode | | Emacs mode for GNU cflow output |
cgdb | | Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB) |
check | | Unit test framework for C |
chmlib | | Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files |
chrpath | | Change the dynamic library load path of compiled binaries |
cmake | | Cross platform make |
cmake-mode | | Emacs mode for CMake syntax highlighting and indentation |
coconut | | Objective-C library for Unix-like systems |
code2html (V) | | Convert a program source code to syntax highlighted HTML |
codeville | | Distributed revision control system |
cogito | | Version control system of the Linux kernel |
compiz-bcop | | Option code generator for compiz |
compizconfig-backend-gconf | | Plugin (gconf) for the compiz configuration backend |
confuse | | Configuration file parser library |
cook | | More powerful replacement for the traditional make(1) tool |
cppunit | | CppUnit is a C++ unit testing framework |
cproto | | Generates function prototypes from C source |
cpuflags | | Determine compiler flags to best target current cpu |
cqual | | Tool for adding type qualifiers to C |
cscope | | Interactive C program browser |
cssc | | GNU workalike for the source code control system SCCS |
cut | | C Unit Tester |
cvs2cl | | CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script |
cvs2html | | Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML |
cvs2p4 | | Converts CVS repository to Perforce depot |
cvs2svn | | Converts a CVS repository to a Subversion repository |
cvsclone | | Clone a CVS repository using the :pserver: access method |
cvsd | | Run CVS pserver in a chroot-ed environment |