./converters/p5-Unicode-MapUTF8, Provides conversions for arbitrary character sets and UTF8

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Branch: pkgsrc-2010Q1, Version: 1.11nb1, Package name: p5-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.11nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Provides an adapter layer between core routines for converting to and from
UTF8 and other encodings. In essence, a way to give multiple existing
Unicode modules a single common interface so you don't have to know
the underlaying implementations to do simple UTF8 to-from other character
set encoding conversions. As such, it wraps the Unicode::String,
Unicode::Map8, Unicode::Map and Jcode modules in a standardized and
simple API.

This also provides general character set conversion operation based
on UTF8 - it is possible to convert between any two compatible and
supported character sets via a simple two step chaining of conversions.

Required to run:
[lang/perl5] [converters/p5-Unicode-Map8] [converters/p5-Jcode] [converters/p5-Unicode-Map]

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: c72397ab7f7117e1a0f5821cfa9fabcc9b58b3e0
RMD160: ffe35b451a06ed99452e30b28208728da0be3f59
Filesize: 16.018 KB

Version history: (Expand)