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Benchmark tool for CPU, FPU and memory
Branch: pkgsrc-2012Q2,
Version: 2.2.2,
Package name: nbench-2.2.2,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThis benchmark utility is used to determine how the processor,
its caches and coprocessors influence overall system performance.
Its measurements can indicate problems with the processor subsystem
and (since the processor is a major influence on overall system
system performance) give us an idea of how well a given system will
Master sites:
SHA1: 2ad7c76fb88f80e475650dd3802c187195cc80c1
RMD160: 78b8e1eaf3c24ca8c619a90693265402a4f8be68
Filesize: 109.132 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2012-07-05) Package added to, version nbench-2.2.2 (created)