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Suns Java(tm) 2 Standard Edition,
Branch: pkgsrc-2012Q2,
Version: 6.0.35,
Package name: sun-jdk6-6.0.35,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThis is the Linux port of the Sun Java(tm) Development Kit (J2SE 6.0).
Required to run:[
lang/sun-jre6] [
emulators/suse100_locale] [
emulators/suse100_compat] [
SHA1: eb6d296520549f76757263843bb648feecc90afa
RMD160: 38b0498bfcd34ac8bef5901cac0c2053615722e1
Filesize: 70351.03 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2012-09-01) Updated to version: sun-jdk6-6.0.35
- (2012-07-05) Package added to, version sun-jdk6-6.0.33 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2012-08-31 17:40:41 by Matthias Scheler | Files touched by this commit (4) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #3914 - requested by obache
lang/sun-jdk6: security update
lang/sun-jre6: security update
Revisions pulled up:
- lang/sun-jdk6/Makefile 1.31
- lang/sun-jdk6/distinfo 1.20
- lang/sun-jre6/Makefile 1.39
- lang/sun-jre6/distinfo 1.23
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: obache
Date: Fri Aug 31 11:34:01 UTC 2012
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/lang/sun-jdk6: Makefile distinfo
pkgsrc/lang/sun-jre6: Makefile distinfo
Log message:
Update sun-{jdk,jre}6 to 6.0.35.
Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6, Update 35 (JDK 6u35)
The full version string for this update release is 1.6.0_35-b10 (where \
"b" means
"build") and the version number is 6u35.
JDK Demos and Samples remain the same as in JDK 6u34
The vulnerabilities addressed by this security release do not affect the demos
and samples code. Therefore there is no need to update Demos and Samples as long
as the JDK itself is updated to 6u35.
Olson Data 2012c
JDK 6u35 contains Olson time zone data version 2012c. For more information,
refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE
Bug Fixes
This release contains a security-in-depth fix. For more information, see Oracle
Security Alert for CVE-2012-4681.
Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6, Update 34 (JDK 6u34)
The full version string for this update release is 1.6.0_34-b04 (where \
"b" means
"build") and the version number is 6u34.
Olson Data 2012c
JDK 6u34 contains Olson time zone data version 2012c. For more information,
refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.
Bug Fixes
Notable Bug Fixes in JDK 6u34
Bug Id Category Sub_Category Description
7162955 hotspot attach Attach api on Solaris, too many
open files
7100757 hotspot compiler2 The BitSet.nextSetBit() produces
incorrect result in 32bit VM on
7108221 hotspot compiler2 Backport to jdk6 Hotspot defaults
for AMD Bulldozer processor
7167142 hotspot runtime_arguments Issue warning when finding a
.hotspotrc or .hotspot_compiler
file that isn't used
6941923 hotspot runtime_logging RFE: Handling large log files
produced by long running Java
7059899 hotspot runtime_system Stack overflows in Java code cause
64-bit JVMs to exit due to SIGSEGV
7145587 hotspot runtime_system Stack overflows in Java code cause
64-bit JVMs to exit due to
SIGSEGV (solaris sparc)
7177216 java char_encodings native2ascii changes file
permissions of input file
7027300 java classes_2d Unsynchronized HashMap access
causes endless loop
7183251 java classes_2d Netbeans editor renders text
wrong on JDK 7u6 build 17
6707273 java classes_awt TrayIcon does not support 8-bit
alpha channel in Windows XP
7145980 java classes_awt Dispose method of
takes long
6521014 java classes_net IOException thrown when Socket
tries to bind to an local IPv6
address on SuSE Linux
6543428 java classes_net BindException when binding to a
link-local address on Windows
6886436 java classes_net Lightwight HTTP Container
(com.sun.* package) is unstable
7118373 java classes_nio (se) Potential leak file descriptor
when deregistrating at around
the same time as an async close
7093090 java classes_security Reduce synchronization in
7152564 java classes_security Improve CodeSource.matchLocation
(CodeSource) performance
7165725 java classes_swing JAVA6 HTML PARSER CANNOT PARSE
7071826 java classes_util UUID.randomUUID() race condition
7144488 java classes_util (coll) Infinite recursion for
some equals tests in Collections
7133138 java classes_util_i18n Improve io performance around
timezone lookups
7149608 java classes_util_i18n (tz): Default TZ detection fails
on linux when symbolic links to
non default location used.
7167359 java classes_util_i18n (tz) SEGV on solaris if TZ
variable not set
7141852 java compiler 1.6 v30 no longer compiles
particular interface inheritance
7158412 java install JRE installer does not delete
its installation files from the
user's Application Data folder
7148584 java jar Jar tools fails to generate
manifest correctly when boundary
condition hit
7175845 java jar "jar uf" changes file permissions
7070619 java localization locale issue for keytool with
7168110 java serviceability Misleading jstack error message
7063183 java_deployment general AIOB exception in the
7063790 java_deployment general SunAutoProxyHandlerTest hangs
7119269 java_deployment general Tune URLUtils
7173533 java_deployment general Discoverer 10g olap is slower
when using java 1.6 than with 1.5
7175548 java_deployment security Regression: Fix 7110690 breaks
crossdomain functionality for
applets running on 6u33-b03 (FCS/GA)
6670362 jgss krb5plugin HTTP/SPNEGO should work across
7067974 jgss krb5plugin multiple ETYPE-INFO-ENTRY with
same etype and different salt
7155051 jndi dns DNS provider may return incorrect
7157903 jsse runtime JSSE client sockets are very slow
7166570 jsse runtime JSSE certificate validation has
started to fail for certificate