./sysutils/storage-manager, Adaptec Storage Management software

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Branch: pkgsrc-2013Q2, Version: 3.14nb2, Package name: storage-manager-3.14nb2, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Adaptec Storage Manager, event logger and associated tools.
For use with DPT and Adaptec I2O SCSI & IDE RAID adapters.

See also the "sysutils/dptutil" package (in particular, for
old EATA adapters, which this package does not support).

Required to run:
[emulators/suse121_32_x11] [emulators/suse121_32_compat]

Required to build:
SHA1: 85b6df94620deb11c8641b024b994e11872932b1
RMD160: 4f362b83464714c60e6f9a707fce891323f5874c
Filesize: 1216.519 KB

Version history: (Expand)