./databases/p5-Rose-DB, DBI wrapper and abstraction layer

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Branch: pkgsrc-2014Q3, Version: 0.775nb1, Package name: p5-Rose-DB-0.775nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Rose::DB is a wrapper and abstraction layer for DBI-related
functionality. A Rose::DB object "has a" DBI object; it is not a
subclass of DBI.

Tip: Are you looking for an object-relational mapper (ORM)? If so,
please see the Rose::DB::Object module. Rose::DB::Object is an ORM
that uses this module to manage its database connections. Rose::DB
alone is simply a data source abstraction layer; it is not an ORM.

Required to run:
[lang/perl5] [time/p5-Rose-DateTime] [time/p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL] [time/p5-DateTime-Format-Pg] [time/p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle] [time/p5-Time-Clock] [time/p5-DateTime] [devel/p5-Bit-Vector] [devel/p5-Rose-Object] [devel/p5-Clone-PP] [databases/p5-DBI]

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: d66dec9d82ac9f4c8b2c09748f8f0e5bcb65945f
RMD160: 9794ce6c78accd9d1de7be9042c8cc40ffc9554f
Filesize: 113.601 KB

Version history: (Expand)