Contact us Category listing - ruby
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ruby-amrita (V) HTML/XHTML template library for Ruby
ruby-awesome_nested_set (V) Awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
ruby-capybara (V) Integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby-cassandra (V) Ruby extension for Cassandra
ruby-childprocess (V) Simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs
ruby-dbd-mysql (V) MySQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-odbc (V) ODBC support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-pg (V) PostgreSQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-sqlite (V) SQLite support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-sqlite3 (V) SQLite version 3 support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbi (V) Database independent interface for Ruby
ruby-deprecated (V) Aid developers working with deprecated code
ruby-hikidoc (V) Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
ruby-http-cookie (V) Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265
ruby-ldap (V) LDAP extension module for Ruby
ruby-mysql2 (V) Simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
ruby-openid (V) OpenID support for Ruby
ruby-rack-openid (V) Provides a more HTTPish API around the ruby-openid library
ruby-rb-appscript (V) Ruby Apple event bridge
ruby-rdtool (V) RD (Ruby Document) converter to HTML/man/etc
ruby-ruby-openid (V) Library for consuming and serving OpenID identities
ruby-selenium-webdriver (V) Tool for writing automated tests of websites
ruby-shoulda (V) Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby-shoulda-context (V) Context framework extracted from Shoulda
ruby-shoulda-matchers (V) Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
ruby-tiny_tds (V) Modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library
ruby-websocket (V) Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol
ruby-xpath (V) Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions
ruby-yard (V) Documentation generation tool for the Ruby programming language