Path to this page:
Contao Open Source CMS 3.2.19
Branch: pkgsrc-2014Q4,
Version: 3.2.19,
Package name: contao32-3.2.19,
Maintainer: tacaContao is an Open Source Content Management Framework developed by Leo Feyer
and distributed under the LGPL license (see GPL.txt and LGPL.txt for more
information). It was formerly known as TYPOlight Open Source CMS.
Its open architecture allows everybody to extend the system to fit his
needs. Contao specializes in accessible websites and is accessbile
itself (front end and back end), rendering valid HTML5 or XHTML pages.
This is version 3.2 LTS (long term support) release.
DEINSTALL [+/-]# $NetBSD: DEINSTALL,v 1.1 2013/11/21 16:52:43 taca Exp $
CT_DIRS="assets system"
case ${STAGE} in
# remove cache files.
rm -f ${CT_WEBDIR}/assets/css/*.css
rm -f ${CT_WEBDIR}/assets/js/*.js
(cd ${CT_WEBDIR}/system/cache && rm -fr *)
(cd ${CT_WEBDIR}/system/tmp && rm -f *)
(cd ${CT_WEBDIR}
for d in ${CT_DIRS}; do
for s in $d/*; do
${RMDIR} $s >/dev/null 2>&1
${RMDIR} $d >/dev/null 2>&1
${RMDIR} ${CT_WEBDIR} >/dev/null 2>&1
Required to run:[
archivers/php-zlib] [
net/php-soap] [
security/php-mcrypt] [
converters/php-mbstring] [
databases/php-mysqli] [
graphics/php-gd] [
shells/bash] [
Master sites:
Version history: (Expand)
- (2015-02-14) Updated to version: contao32-3.2.19
- (2014-12-30) Package added to, version contao32-3.2.16 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2015-02-14 10:54:37 by Matthias Scheler | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #4609 - requested by taca
www/contao32: security update
Revisions pulled up:
- www/contao/Makefile.common patch
- www/contao32/Makefile 1.8-1.9
- www/contao32/distinfo 1.18-1.20
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Fri Jan 23 16:14:35 UTC 2015
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/contao: Makefile.common
pkgsrc/www/contao32: Makefile distinfo
Log message:
Update contao32 pacakge to 3.2.17.
Version 3.2.17 (2015-01-22)
### Fixed
Romanize style sheet names (see #7526).
### Fixed
Add the username to the "account has been locked" log entry (see #7551).
### Fixed
Consider the suhosin.memory_limit when raising the PHP limits (see #7035).
### Fixed
Added two missing `exclude` flags in the `tl_page` data container (see #7522).
### Fixed
Send an UTF-8 charset header in the `die_nicely()` function (see #7519).
### Fixed
Correctly validate dates in the `Widget` class (see #7498).
### Fixed
Back port the fixes from #7475 and #7473.
### Fixed
Send the same cache headers for cached and uncached pages (see #7455).
### Fixed
Fix the `current() expects parameter 1 to be array` issue (see #6739).
### Fixed
Correctly replace the `*_teaser` insert tags (see #7488).
### Fixed
Adjust the last and previous login labels (see #7426).
### Fixed
Unset the `postUnsafeRaw` cache in `Input::setPost()` (see #7481).
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Sun Feb 1 04:49:39 UTC 2015
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/contao: Makefile.common
pkgsrc/www/contao32: Makefile distinfo
Log message:
Update contao32 to 3.2.18 (Contao 3.2.18).
* pkgsrc change: change config directory's permission.
Version 3.2.18 (2015-01-30)
### Fixed
Handle variables and functions when importing style sheets (see #7448).
### Fixed
Fix an infinite recursion problem in the `FilesModel` class (see #7588).
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Fri Feb 13 03:02:53 UTC 2015
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/www/contao: Makefile.common
pkgsrc/www/contao32: distinfo
Log message:
Update contao32 package to 3.2.19 (Contao 3.2.19).
Version 3.2.19 (2015-02-12)
### Fixed
Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability discovered by Arnaud Buchoux. See
CVE-2015-0269 for more information.