cloudfuse | Filesystem (fuse) implemented on Mosso's Cloud Files | |
fs-utils | Tools to access/modify a file system image through RUMP | |
fuse | Filesystem in Userspace | |
fuse-afpfs-ng | FUSE filesystem for network mounting using AFP | |
fuse-archivemount | FUSE gateway to libarchive | |
fuse-bindfs | Remounts file system subtrees in arbitrary locations | |
fuse-cddfs | FUSE filesystem that uses libparanoia for audio CDs | |
fuse-chironfs | Replicating file system | |
fuse-cryptofs | FUSE encrypted filesystem | |
fuse-curlftpfs | FUSE filesystem for acessing FTP hosts | |
fuse-djmount | FUSE filesystem for accessing Media Server content via UPnP | |
fuse-encfs | FUSE Encrypted Filesystem | |
fuse-ext2 | FUSE file-system to mount ext2 and ext3 file system | |
fuse-gmailfs | FUSE filesystem which uses Google mail for free space | |
fuse-gphotofs | FUSE filesystem for accessing digital cameras | |
fuse-gstfs | On-demand, transcoding filesystem (using GStreamer pipeline) | |
fuse-httpfs | FUSE HTTP filesystem | |
fuse-loggedfs | FUSE file system which logs all operations | |
fuse-lzofs | Filesystem which allows you to use transparently compressed files | |
fuse-mp3fs | MP3 transcoding FUSE file system | |
fuse-ntfs-3g | NTFS driver with read and write support | |
fuse-obexfs | FUSE based filesystem using ObexFTP | |
fuse-pod | FUSE-based filesystem for iPod | |
fuse-svnfs | FUSE filesystem for accessing SVN repositories | |
fuse-unionfs | FUSE-based union filesystem | |
fuse-wdfs | FUSE-based webdav filesystem | |
fuse-wikipediafs | FUSE filesystem for accessing the wikipedia | |
glusterfs | Cluster filesystem | |
libntfs | Linux-NTFS project utilities for the Windows NT Filesystem | |
openafs | File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration | |
openafs-devel | File system for sharing, scalability and transparent data migration | |
ori | Secure distributed file system | |
p5-Module-Path | Perl5 module to get the full path to a locally installed module | |
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny | Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose | |
p5-Path-Tiny | Perl5 file path utility | |
perfuse | PUFFS Enabled Relay to FUSE | |
py-filesystem | Python filesystem access library | |
py-fuse-bindings | Python bindings for FUSE and refuse | |
tahoe-lafs | Distributed fault-tolerant least-authority filesystem | |
u9fs | Unix file server using the 9P protocol |