./devel/emacs20-elib, Library of utility functions for Emacs

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Branch: pkgsrc-2015Q2, Version: 1.0nb4, Package name: emacs20-elib-1.0nb4, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This is the source directory for the GNU emacs lisp library Elib
version 1.0. Elib is designed to be for Elisp programs what libg++ is
for C++ programs: a collection of useful routines which don't have to
be reinvented each time a new program is written.

Elib contains code for:
- container data structures (queues, stacks, AVL trees, etc)
- string handling functions missing in standard emacs
- minibuffer handling functions missing in standard emacs
- routines for handling lists of so called cookies in a buffer.

This package uses emacs from the version 20 series. In order to use
it with any other version, install devel/elib.

Required to run:

Master sites:

SHA1: 1f7450a949a2388efadece015aba53bbbada62cf
RMD160: 8a2584fd7399394b40871e0d8bc1315d9c86a290
Filesize: 56.968 KB

Version history: (Expand)