./security/py-service_identity, Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL

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Branch: pkgsrc-2015Q3, Version: 14.0.0, Package name: py27-service_identity-14.0.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

service_identity aspires to give you all the tools you need for
verifying whether a certificate is valid for the intended purposes.

In the simplest case, this means host name verification. However,
service_identity implements RFC 6125 fully and plans to add other
relevant RFCs too.

Required to run:
[www/py-idna] [security/py-OpenSSL] [security/py-asn1-modules]

Master sites:

SHA1: 10d7e29937f22d516659533f83af1e1427afdbd0
RMD160: 234a0b1ef7231d8e1215332f383b9d3073b4052b
Filesize: 25.423 KB

Version history: (Expand)