./devel/p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings, Perl5 module for testing for warnings

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Branch: pkgsrc-2016Q4, Version: 0.04, Package name: p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.04, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Loading this plugin causes your tests to fail if there any warnings
while they run. Each warning generates a new failing test and the
warning content is outputted via diag.

Required to run:
[lang/perl5] [devel/p5-Test2-Suite]

Required to build:

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 08d1828880b7737f957fc56cf06f584715f3a644
RMD160: c68a05a04874ca40dbd1b76ec53fee09845bd9db
Filesize: 22.401 KB

Version history: (Expand)