./devel/waf, Framework for configuring, compiling, and installing applications

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Branch: pkgsrc-2016Q4, Version: 1.9.7, Package name: waf-1.9.7, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Waf is a Python-based framework for configuring, compiling and
installing applications. Here are perhaps the most important features
of Waf:

* Automatic build order: the build order is computed from input
and output files, among others
* Automatic dependencies: tasks to execute are detected by hashing
files and commands
* Performance: tasks are executed in parallel automatically, the
startup time is meant to be fast (separation between configuration
and build)
* Flexibility: new commands and tasks can be added very easily
through subclassing, bottlenecks for specific builds can be
eliminated through dynamic method replacement
* Extensibility: though many programming languages and compilers
are already supported by default, many others are available as
* IDE support: Eclipse, Visual Studio and Xcode project generators
* Documentation: the application is based on a robust model
documented in The Waf book and in the API docs
* Python compatibility: cPython 2.4 to 3.4, Jython 2.5, IronPython,
and Pypy

Required to run:

Required to build:

Master sites:

SHA1: 8cb8593e1828146424af6e55d815487f58110658
RMD160: 008c3f1177e80516f31004f9fa6b69271e5cb700
Filesize: 605.651 KB

Version history: (Expand)