./security/libprelude, LibPrelude libraries and c++ easy bindings

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Branch: pkgsrc-2016Q4, Version:, Package name: libprelude-, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Prelude is a hybrid IDS consisting of multiple
sensors, managers, and a display console. LibPrelude
is the glue that binds all aspects of Prelude together.
LibPrelude is a library which enables Prelude
components to communicate in a standard IDMEF method.

This is just the base packages which installs
LibPrelude's libraries and c++ easy bindings.

Master sites:

SHA1: b8c0c43efb33f3da741feac59b7a5482adf56282
RMD160: 0a2688cf5c44e834c07eaba36d333155b2ca226d
Filesize: 2522.187 KB

Version history: (Expand)