./games/picmi, a nonogram puzzle game

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Branch: pkgsrc-2017Q1, Version: 4.14.3nb5, Package name: picmi-4.14.3nb5, Maintainer: markd

picmi is a single player puzzle game.

The object of the game is to color cells according to numbers given
at the side of the board.

Required to run:
[sysutils/desktop-file-utils] [x11/kdelibs4] [x11/qt4-qdbus] [x11/qt4-libs] [games/libkdegames]

Required to build:
[devel/boost-headers] [devel/automoc4] [x11/xf86driproto] [x11/xextproto] [x11/xf86vidmodeproto] [x11/recordproto] [x11/inputproto] [x11/fixesproto4] [x11/xproto] [x11/damageproto] [x11/qt4-tools] [x11/renderproto] [x11/dri2proto] [x11/randrproto] [x11/glproto] [pkgtools/x11-links] [pkgtools/cwrappers]

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 67de1625da3621a3109e3a84d2117b3f5668339d
RMD160: b8f7ea3835d8b2b6c263df084411cd5b611c1fb8
Filesize: 714.332 KB

Version history: (Expand)