./devel/p5-Devel-Hide, Meatier versions of caller

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Branch: pkgsrc-2017Q3, Version: 0.0009nb4, Package name: p5-Devel-Hide-0.0009nb4, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Given a list of Perl modules/filenames, this module makes require and use
statements fail (no matter the specified files/modules are installed or

They die with a message like:

Can't locate Module/ToHide.pm (hidden)

The intent of this module is to allow Perl developers to test for
alternative behavior when some modules are not available. In a Perl
installation, where many modules are already installed, there is a
chance to screw things up because you take for granted things that
may not be there in other machines.

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 8e3daa41ebd2a8b8d912048513127b3b967e6e7f
RMD160: d4f246164e3aacfb052484191d69cf3e8938859f
Filesize: 6.809 KB

Version history: (Expand)