./archivers/gsharutils, Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives

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Branch: pkgsrc-2018Q2, Version: 4.15.2, Package name: gsharutils-4.15.2, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

This is the set of GNU shar utilities.

`shar' makes so-called shell archives out of many files, preparing
them for transmission by electronic mail services. `unshar' helps
unpacking shell archives after reception. The core of both programs
is initially derived from public domain. Some modules and other
code sections are freely borrowed from other GNU distributions,
bringing `shar' under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

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SHA1: 250377131bcf7a081f066ed0f9c51a0b7e0b0c04
RMD160: b154e7f3fb28d560a50c2c7a99da8b18257cb21c
Filesize: 1096.168 KB

Version history: (Expand)