./filesystems/fuse-mp3fs, MP3 transcoding FUSE file system

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Branch: pkgsrc-2018Q2, Version: 0.13nb1, Package name: fuse-mp3fs-0.13nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

MP3FS is a read-only FUSE filesystem which transcodes audio formats
(currently FLAC) to MP3 on the fly when opened and read. This was
written to enable using a FLAC collection with software and/or
hardware which only understands MP3.

It is also a novel alternative to traditional MP3 encoder applications.
Just use your favorite file browser to select the files you want
encoded and copy them somewhere!

Master sites:

SHA1: b246bd747a32256cb8364b7ac0cc8b7a4e1d3f74
RMD160: 6ad1126ee22b35fe4987dd6addbc41a25c74a508
Filesize: 294.572 KB

Version history: (Expand)