./databases/sqsh-motif, SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers (Motif GUI)

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Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q3, Version: 2.1, Package name: sqsh-motif-2.1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Sqsh (pronounced skwish) is short for SQshelL (pronounced s-q-shell), it
is intended as a replacement for the venerable 'isql' program supplied
by Sybase. It came about due to years of frustration of trying to do
real work with a program that was never meant to perform real work.

Sqsh is much more than a nice prompt, it is intended to provide much of
the functionality provided by a good shell, such as variables,
redirection, pipes, back-grounding, job control, history, command
completion, and dynamic configuration. Also, as a by-product of the
design, it is remarkably easy to extend and add functionality.

This package uses the Motif frontend.

Master sites:

SHA1: 7bbdda5590262e465508c889b86107465f3a2b90
RMD160: 9a76e661a10b79fd4c0d7f58878caf6e6349e590
Filesize: 350.463 KB

Version history: (Expand)