./lang/php71, PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 7.1

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Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q3, Version: 7.1.33, Package name: php-7.1.33, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language
that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded
into HTML. It is modular, and object-oriented. Much of its syntax
is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific
features thrown in. The language is designed to allow web developers
to write dynamically generated pages quickly.

This package provides PHP version 7.1.x.

PHP 7.1.x builds upon 7.0.x, adding new features:

* Nullable types
* Void return type
* Iterable pseudo-type
* Class constant visibility modifiers
* Square bracket syntax for array destructuring assignment
* Catching multiple exceptions types
* HTTP/2 Server Push Support in ext/curl & other ext/curl improvements
* Fix inconsistent behavior in $this variable
* Create closure from callable
* More precise float values
* Asynchronous Signal Handling (without ticks) in ext/pcntl

Required to run:
[devel/readline] [textproc/libxml2]

Required to build:

Package options: inet6, readline, ssl

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 2a2961b949f6b88e743bce06b86055c05747b6c8
RMD160: e3802bac9fcabb4e844e3c5e86337749112ef545
Filesize: 14972.797 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2019-10-25 15:02:39 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Pullup ticket #6077 - requested by taca
lang/php71: security fix

Revisions pulled up:
- lang/php/phpversion.mk                                        1.273
- lang/php71/Makefile                                           1.21
- lang/php71/Makefile.php                                       1.14
- lang/php71/distinfo                                           1.55

   Module Name:	pkgsrc
   Committed By:	taca
   Date:		Fri Oct 25 02:58:33 UTC 2019

   Modified Files:
   	pkgsrc/lang/php: phpversion.mk
   	pkgsrc/lang/php71: Makefile Makefile.php distinfo

   Log message:
   lang/php71: update to 7.1.33

   Update php71 to 7.1.33.

   24 Oct 2019, PHP 7.1.33

   - FPM:
     . Fixed bug #78599 (env_path_info underflow in fpm_main.c can lead to RCE).
       (CVE-2019-11043) (Jakub Zelenka)