./chat/tkirc, GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client

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Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q4, Version: 1.202nb1, Package name: tkirc-1.202nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

tkirc is a frontend for unix's ircII (shell-client for the Internet
Relay Chat) based on Tcl/Tk. If you know how to use ircII, you should
not have any problems to use tkirc after installation.

See /usr/pkg/share/doc/tkirc/README for more information.

Also, copy /usr/pkg/share/doc/tkirc/tkircrc-example to $HOME/.tkircrc.

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SHA1: f3a420f46b79ff40d8cfad07780d3d956eb3d3b2
RMD160: d1a7a09bb80deece94b61bc398a1f9de754926e0
Filesize: 91.238 KB

Version history: (Expand)