./devel/go-gocode, Autocompletion daemon for Go

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Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q4, Version: 20170907nb12, Package name: go-gocode-20170907nb12, Maintainer: minskim

Gocode is a helper tool which is intended to be integrated with your
source code editor, like vim, neovim and emacs. It provides several
advanced capabilities, which currently includes context-sensitive
autocompletion. It is called daemon, because it uses client/server
architecture for caching purposes. In particular, it makes
autocompletions very fast. Typical autocompletion time with warm cache
is 30ms, which is barely noticeable.

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SHA1: 326d8af972592a9aa2838a734ef6ed593e33e8f7
RMD160: 78ffab1ee92898dcb5f222572e532f871fdf2c82
Filesize: 88.54 KB

Version history: (Expand)