./devel/p5-Env-Path, Advanced operations on path variables

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Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q4, Version: 0.19nb5, Package name: p5-Env-Path-0.19nb5, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Env::Path presents an object-oriented interface to "path variables",
defined as that subclass of environment variables which name an
ordered list of filesystem elements separated by a platform-standard
separator (typically ':' on UNIX and ';' on Windows).

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SHA1: 0c4677e6d6e03a0bfaab877ac74bce55a519f49c
RMD160: 2dd604de0504cbd6704773da97a1aa94bd4dd1e9
Filesize: 10.777 KB

Version history: (Expand)