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Helper to smartly find libs to use in the filesystem tree
Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q4,
Version: 1.04nb5,
Package name: p5-Find-Lib-1.04nb5,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersThe purpose of this module is to replace
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../bootstrap/lib";
with something shorter. This is specially useful if your project has a
lot of scripts (For instance tests scripts).
Required to build:[
Master sites: (Expand)
SHA1: 1b3ada2c1dc0f3827746308a274c40d7e5530f38
RMD160: 7c1c41c549251d59f668a756acadca41568e8359
Filesize: 8.705 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2020-01-02) Package added to, version p5-Find-Lib-1.04nb5 (created)