./devel/p5-IPC-Cmd, Perl module for finding and running system commands

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Branch: pkgsrc-2019Q4, Version: 1.04, Package name: p5-IPC-Cmd-1.04, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

IPC::Cmd allows you to run commands, interactively if desired,
platform independent but have them still work.

The can_run function can tell you if a certain binary is installed
and if so where, whereas the run function can actually execute any
of the commands you give it and give you a clear return value, as
well as adhere to your verbosity settings.

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SHA1: 6485f29eb8ab5c25c09d8c1cf7b0d89da087c5ca
RMD160: f6e37b99577ee21b52aebd48b24f2f3b390527f1
Filesize: 30.683 KB

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