./games/tuxracer, 3D penguin racing game using OpenGL

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Branch: pkgsrc-2021Q1, Version: 0.61nb16, Package name: tuxracer-0.61nb16, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Tux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down
steep, snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux
Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the ability to
race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds.

Your journey starts as you compete on local courses. Win and you will unlock
other courses and cups that will lead you to more exciting and challenging
races. Only the quickest, smartest, and luckiest will win!

- Fun, easy to learn
- Exciting 3D courses
- Sophisticated physics result in thrilling rides down the mountains
- Collect herring while avoiding obstacles for high scores
- Race over a variety of surfaces, including fluffy snow and slick ice
- Race in various weather conditions and lighting conditions
- Create your own courses using any paint program such as The GIMP (no 3D
modeller required)
- Suitable for all ages

This package needs working hardware OpenGL support.

Master sites:

SHA1: e1b98209f99400cd6aa660f6c1c8bd2ab17d5cea
RMD160: 9dc7263521db98eb0d460c57fd20524015dcf13b
Filesize: 621.707 KB

Version history: (Expand)