abook | | Text-based addressbook program |
adodb | | Active Data Objects Data Base for php |
apache-cassandra | | Highly scalable, distributed structured key-value store |
apache-cassandra2 | | Highly scalable, distributed structured key-value store |
apache-solr | | High performance search server built using Lucene Java |
cdb | | Creates and reads constant databases |
clisp-bdb | | CLISP Berkeley DB module |
clisp-gdbm | | CLISP GNU database manager module |
clisp-pgsql | | CLISP PostgreSQL module |
couchdb | | Document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API |
csharp-mysql | | Fully managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL |
cstore | | Read-optimised column store relational DBMS |
datadraw | | Persistent database generator for high performance C applications |
db | | Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 2 |
db18 | | Berkeley DB version 18 from Oracle |
db3 | | Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 3 |
db4 | | Berkeley DB version 4 from Oracle |
db5 | | Berkeley DB version 5 from Oracle |
db6 | | Berkeley DB version 6 from Oracle |
dbfsak | | Tool for converting to and from DBF files |
deforaos-libdatabase | | DeforaOS libDatabase |
drraw (V) | | Simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool |
edb | | Database abstraction layer to Berkeley databases |
elasticsearch | | Distributed RESTful Search Engine |
erlang-eredis | | Erlang Redis client |
erlang-p1_mysql | | Erlang MySQL driver |
erlang-p1_pgsql | | Pure Erlang PostgreSQL driver |
erlang-sqlite3 | | Sqlite gen_server port for Erlang |
freetds | | Implementation of TDS protocol used by Sybase and MS-SQL servers |
gdbm | | The GNU database manager |
gdbm_compat | | The GNU database manager Compat library for dbm and ndbm |
gdbm_primitive | | Shell primitives for working with GDBMs |
geneweb | | GeneWeb is a genealogy database that runs as a web server |
gigabase | | Object-Relational Database Management System |
gnats | | GNATS bug tracking system |
gnome-mime-data | | MIME and Application database for GNOME2 |
go-etcd | | CoreOS etcd client for Go |
go-ldap | | Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language |
go-sqlite3 | | Sqlite3 driver for Go using database/sql |
go-tiedot | | NoSQL database in Go |
gom | | Object mapper from GObjects to SQLite |
gourmet | | Recipe database |
gramps3 | | Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System V3 |
gramps5 | | Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System V5 |
gtkdbfeditor | | Simple editor for DBF files (dBase, xBase) |
gtksql | | Query tool for PostgreSQL written with GTK |
guile-pg | | PostgreSQL interface for Guile |
guile-sqlite3 | | Guile bindings for the SQLite3 database engine |
hiredis | | Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database |
hsqldb18 | | Relational database management system witten in pure Java |
idzebra | | Structured text indexing and retrieval engine |
influxdb | | Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics |
innotop | | MySQL and InnoDB monitor program |
iodbc | | ODBC 3.x driver manager |
ipa_sdb | | IPA simple database module |
java-db3 | | Java interface to Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB version 3 |
java-native-hyperestraier (V) | | Java native interface of Hyper Estraier |
java-pure-hyperestraier (V) | | Java pure interface of Hyper Estraier |
java-qdbm | | Java API of QDBM |
java-tokyocabinet | | Java binding of Tokyo Cabinet |
jdbc-mysql31 | | MySQL 3.1 JDBC driver |
jdbc-mysql5 | | MySQL 5.0 JDBC driver |
jdbc-mysql51 | | MySQL 5.1 JDBC driver |
kldap | | LDAP access API for KDE |
kyotocabinet | | Straightforward implementation of DBM |
lbdb | | The little brother's database |
ldapvi | | Interactive LDAP client |
ldb | | LDAP-like embedded database |
leveldb | | Fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google |
libcassandra | | C++ interface to Cassandra |
libdbh2 | | Library to create disk based Hashtables |
libdbi | | Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C |
libdbi-driver-mysql | | MySQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction |
libdbi-driver-pgsql | | PostgreSQL driver for libdbi, a database abstraction |
libdbi-driver-sqlite | | SQLite driver for libdbi, a database abstraction |
libdbi-driver-sqlite3 | | SQLite3 driver for libdbi, a database abstraction |
libgda | | GNU database access library |
libgda-mysql | | GNU database access library - mysql provider |
libgda-postgres | | GNU database access library - postgres provider |
libmongo-client | | Alternative C driver for MongoDB |
libpqxx | | C++ interface to postgresql-lib |
libtcd | | API for reading and writing Tide Constituent Database (TCD) files |
libzdb | | Zild Database Library, a fast thread-safe connection pooling library |
liquibase | | Database Change Management |
lmdb | | Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database |
lua-dbi | | Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua |
lua-dbi-mysql | | Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua (mysql backend) |
lua-dbi-postgresql | | Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua (postgresql backend) |
lua-dbi-sqlite3 | | Multi-backend SQL database library for Lua (sqlite3 backend) |
lua-lsqlite3 | | Binding for Lua to the SQLite3 database library |
lua-sql-mysql | | MySQL bindings for Lua |
lua-sql-postgres | | PostgreSQL bindings for Lua |
lua-sql-sqlite3 | | SQLite 3.x bindings for Lua |
lua-sqlite3 | | SQLite3 binding for LUA |
lua-tokyocabinet | | Lua binding of Tokyo Cabinet |
mariadb104-client | | MariaDB 10.4, a free MySQL compatible database (client) |
mariadb104-server | | MariaDB 10.4, a free MySQL compatible database (server) |
mariadb105-client | | MariaDB 10.5, a free MySQL compatible database (client) |
mariadb105-server | | MariaDB 10.5, a free MySQL compatible database (server) |
metakit-lib | | Embedded database library |