./security/ruby-gssapi, FFI wrapper around the system GSSAPI library

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Branch: pkgsrc-2021Q3, Version: 1.3.1, Package name: ruby27-gssapi-1.3.1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Ruby GSSAPI Library

This is a wrapper around the system GSSAPI library (MIT only at this time).
It exposes the low-level GSSAPI methods like gss_init_sec_context and
gss_wrap and also provides an easier to use wrapper on top of this for
common usage scenarios.

Master sites:

SHA1: 6e589625a574a3b7c7abcc9293e4c2c5a83de56c
RMD160: 9ffb0ae3417118b43ff2f5395b91d88b436a4ba5
Filesize: 17.5 KB

Version history: (Expand)