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PHP Hypertext Preprocessor version 8.2
Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q4,
Version: 8.2.1,
Package name: php-8.2.1,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersPHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language
that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded
into HTML. It is modular, and object-oriented. Much of its syntax
is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific
features thrown in. The language is designed to allow web developers
to write dynamically generated pages quickly.
PHP 8.2 comes with numerous improvements and new features such as
* Readonly classes
* Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Types
* New stand-alone types: null, false, and true
* New "Random" extension
* Constants in traits
* Deprecate dynamic properties
* And much much more...
Package options: inet6, readline, ssl
Master sites: (Expand)
Filesize: 11749.641 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2023-01-08) Updated to version: php-8.2.1
- (2022-12-27) Package added to, version php-8.2.0 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2023-01-08 18:57:22 by Benny Siegert | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
Pullup ticket #6718 - requested by taca
lang/php82: security fix
Revisions pulled up:
- lang/php/ 1.385
- lang/php82/distinfo 1.2
- lang/php82/patches/patch-configure 1.2
- lang/php82/patches/patch-sapi_fpm_fpm_events_port.c deleted
Module Name: pkgsrc
Committed By: taca
Date: Sat Jan 7 07:42:15 UTC 2023
Modified Files:
pkgsrc/lang/php82: distinfo
pkgsrc/lang/php82/patches: patch-configure
Removed Files:
pkgsrc/lang/php82/patches: patch-sapi_fpm_fpm_events_port.c
Log message:
lang/php82: update to 8.2.1
PHP 8.2.1 (2023-01-05)
- Core:
. Fixed bug GH-9905 (constant() behaves inconsistent when class is undefined).
. Fixed bug GH-9918 (License information for xxHash is not included in
README.REDIST.BINS file). (Akama Hitoshi)
. Fixed bug GH-9890 (OpenSSL legacy providers not available on Windows). (cmb)
. Fixed bug GH-9650 (Can't initialize heap: [0x000001e7]). (Michael \
. Fixed potentially undefined behavior in Windows ftok(3) emulation. (cmb)
. Fixed GH-9769 (Misleading error message for unpacking of objects). (jhdxr)
- Apache:
. Fixed bug GH-9949 (Partial content on incomplete POST request). (cmb)
- FPM:
. Fixed bug GH-9959 (Solaris port event mechanism is still broken after bug
#66694). (Petr Sumbera)
. Fixed bug #68207 (Setting fastcgi.error_header can result in a WARNING).
(Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug #80669 (FPM numeric user fails to set groups). (Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug GH-8517 (Random crash of FPM master process in
fpm_stdio_child_said). (Jakub Zelenka)
- Imap:
. Fixed bug GH-10051 (IMAP: there's no way to check if a IMAP\Connection is
still open). (Girgias)
- MBString:
. Fixed bug GH-9535 (The behavior of mb_strcut in mbstring has been changed in
PHP8.1). (Nathan Freeman)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug GH-9968 (Segmentation Fault during OPCache Preload).
(Arnaud, michdingpayc)
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug GH-9997 (OpenSSL engine clean up segfault). (Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug GH-9064 (PHP fails to build if openssl was built with --no-ec).
(Jakub Zelenka)
. Fixed bug GH-10000 (OpenSSL test failures when OpenSSL compiled with
no-dsa). (Jakub Zelenka)
- Pcntl:
. Fixed bug GH-9298 (Signal handler called after rshutdown leads to crash).
(Erki Aring)
- PDO_Firebird:
. Fixed bug GH-9971 (Incorrect NUMERIC value returned from PDO_Firebird).
- PDO/SQLite:
. Fixed bug #81740 (PDO::quote() may return unquoted string). (CVE-2022-31631)
- Session:
. Fixed GH-9932 (session name silently fails with . and [). (David Carlier)
- SPL:
. Fixed GH-9883 (SplFileObject::__toString() reads next line). (Girgias)
. Fixed GH-10011 (Trampoline autoloader will get reregistered and cannot be
unregistered). (Girgias)
- SQLite3:
. Fixed bug #81742 (open_basedir bypass in SQLite3 by using file URI). (cmb)
. Fixed Windows shmget() wrt. IPC_PRIVATE. (Tyson Andre)