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The following packages where found to depend on graphics/freetype2Previous - Results
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Next- devel/SDL_ttf, Required to run
- devel/ogre, Required to run
- devel/m17n-lib, Required to run
- devel/pango, Required to run
- print/advi, Required to run
- print/xpdf, Required to run
- print/libgnomeprint, Required to run
- mail/thunderbird-gtk1, Required to run
- mail/thunderbird, Required to run
- www/seamonkey, Required to run
- www/firefox-gtk1, Required to run
- www/seamonkey-gtk1, Required to run
- www/webkit-gtk, Required to run
- www/webalizer, Required to run
- x11/fox, Required to run
- x11/vte, Required to run
- graphics/camlimages, Required to run
- graphics/cairo, Required to run
- graphics/agg, Required to run
- graphics/libwmf, Required to run
- graphics/librsvg, Required to run
- graphics/GraphicsMagick, Required to run
- graphics/libgdiplus, Required to run
- graphics/libotf, Required to run
- graphics/ruby-gd, Required to run
- graphics/py-matplotlib, Required to run
- graphics/dia, Required to run
- graphics/py-imaging, Required to run
- graphics/blender, Required to run
- graphics/imlib2, Required to run
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