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The following packages where found to depend on devel/GConfPrevious - Results
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Next- games/sirius, Required to run
- games/teg, Required to run
- games/gtetrinet, Required to run
- games/gnome-mastermind, Required to run
- finance/gnucash, Required to run
- audio/pulseaudio, Required to run
- audio/sound-juicer, Required to run
- audio/rhythmbox, Required to run
- chat/gnomeicu, Required to run
- chat/pidgin-silc, Required to run
- chat/empathy, Required to run
- chat/gossip, Required to run
- chat/telepathy-mission-control, Required to run
- chat/pidgin-sametime, Required to run
- chat/libpurple, Required to run
- comms/gnome-pilot, Required to run
- archivers/file-roller, Required to run
- databases/libgnomedb, Required to run
- databases/gramps2, Required to run
- databases/mergeant, Required to run
- ham/gmfsk, Required to run
- ham/gpredict, Required to run
- inputmethod/imhangul_status_applet, Required to run
- math/gcalctool, Required to run
- math/gnumeric, Required to run
- editors/conglomerate, Required to run
- editors/mlview, Required to run
- editors/gconf-editor, Required to run
- editors/tomboy, Required to run
- editors/dasher, Required to run
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