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The following packages where found to depend on x11/startup-notificationPrevious - Results
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- x11/matchbox-panel, Required to run
- x11/xfce4-terminal, Required to run
- x11/matchbox-desktop, Required to run
- wm/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, Required to run
- wm/metacity, Required to run
- wm/awesome, Required to run
- wm/i3, Required to run
- wm/xfce4-wm, Required to run
- wm/compiz, Required to run
- wm/obconf, Required to run
- wm/openbox, Required to run
- wm/compiz-fusion-plugins-main, Required to run
- wm/oroborox, Required to run
- audio/bmpx, Required to run
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