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The following packages where found to depend on lang/python27Previous - Results
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Next- textproc/py-gnosis-utils, Required to run
- textproc/sord, Required to run
- textproc/py-rdflib, Required to run
- textproc/py-cElementTree, Required to run
- textproc/py-sphinx-rtd-theme, Required to run
- textproc/py-pandocfilters, Required to run
- textproc/py-vobject, Required to run
- textproc/asciidoc, Required to run
- textproc/py-textile, Required to run
- textproc/py-iniparse, Required to run
- textproc/py-uritemplate, Required to run
- textproc/py-creole, Required to run
- textproc/py-pysrt, Required to run
- textproc/py-markupsafe, Required to run
- textproc/py-ujson, Required to run
- textproc/py-mistune, Required to run
- textproc/py-pdf-parser, Required to run
- textproc/py-loremipsum, Required to run
- textproc/py-yaml, Required to run
- textproc/py-HappyDoc, Required to run
- textproc/py-jinja2, Required to run
- textproc/py-cmTemplate, Required to run
- textproc/py-relatorio, Required to run
- textproc/py-markdown2, Required to run
- textproc/py-Unidecode, Required to run
- textproc/py-jsbeautifier, Required to run
- textproc/py-Whoosh, Required to run
- textproc/csvkit, Required to run
- textproc/iso-codes, Required to build
- textproc/py-enchant, Required to run
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