./www/p5-CGI-Kwiki, Quickie Wiki thats not too Tricky

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Branch: pkgsrc-2009Q4, Version: 0.18nb3, Package name: p5-CGI-Kwiki-0.18nb3, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

A Wiki is a website that allows its users to add pages, and edit any
existing pages.

You can create a new kwiki website with a single command. The module
has no prerequisite modules, except the ones that ship with Perl.
It doesn't require a database backend, although it could be made to
use one. The default kwiki behaviour is fairly full featured, and includes
support for html tables. Any behaviour of the kwiki can be customized,
without much trouble.

Required to run:
[devel/p5-Test-Simple] [misc/p5-Locale-Maketext]

Master sites: (Expand)

SHA1: 1c2fc5b172f6ef9b0f4fe45f10c7033c57fa4d0c
RMD160: 83c18c79eb93ead2614fcd9b533aeb17bc1a1d6f
Filesize: 75.054 KB

Version history: (Expand)