aamath | | ASCII art mathematics |
abs | | Free spreadsheet with graphical user interface |
admesh | | Program for processing triangulated solid meshes |
algae | | Interpreted language for numerical analysis |
analitza | | KDE library for mathematical features |
antixls | | Print XLS file with minimal formatting, or as CSV |
aribas | | Multi-precision floating point and big integer arithmetic calculator |
arpack | | Library of subroutines to solve eigenvalue problems |
bc | | Arbitrary precision calculator language |
blas | | Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (Fortran) |
blitz++ | | C++ template class library providing array objects |
calc | | Advanced Calculator for GNU Emacs |
calcoo | | Scientific calculator |
cantor | | KDE frontend to mathematical software |
capc-calc | | C arbitrary precision calculator |
cgal | | Computational Geometry Algorithms Library |
clisp-pari | | CLISP pari module |
cln | | CLN Class Library for Numbers |
cloog | | Code generator for loop optimization (used by gcc) |
dcdflib.c | | Library of C Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions |
dcdflib.f | | Library of Fortran Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions |
dfftpack | | Double precision version of FFTPACK |
dieharder | | Random number generator test suite |
djbfft | | Extremely fast library for floating-point convolution |
eigen2 | | C++ template library for linear algebra |
eispack | | Fortran routines for the solution of eigenvalue problems |
ess | | Emacs Speaks Statistics |
eukleides | | Euclidean geometry drawing language |
euler | | Interactive numerical analysis and graphics program |
extcalc | | Scientific graphic calculator |
fftpack | | Single precision Fortran FFT subroutines |
fftw | | Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs |
fftw2 | | Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs |
fftwf | | Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs |
fgmp | | Minimalist free re-implementation of GNU multi-precision routines |
fityk | | Peak fitting software |
fricas | | FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system |
galculator | | Desktop calculator with scientific / RPN modes |
gap | | Computational group theory and discrete algebra language |
gcalctool | | Desktop calculator for GNOME |
gcalctool-gtk3 | | Desktop calculator for GNOME |
geg | | Program for drawing 2D math functions within a nice GUI |
genius | | Calculator and math tool |
glpk | | Library for solving linear programming problems |
gnumeric | | Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project (development version) |
gnumeric110 | | Spreadsheet program from the GNOME project |
gp-autpgrp | | GAP package for finding automorphism groups of finite p-groups |
gp-factint | | Integer factorization routines for GAP |
gp-fplsa | | GAP interface to FPLSA |
gp-grape | | GRAPE (GRape Algorithms using PErmutation groups) |
gp-grpconst | | GAP package for finding isomorphism classes of finite groups |
gp-lag | | GAP Bracket Lie Algebra functions |
grace | | GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data |
graphopt | | Optimize graph layouts |
grpn | | Graphical reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator |
gsl | | The GNU Scientific Library |
gtklife | | The game of life |
heirloom-factor | | Collection of standard Unix utilities (factor) |
heirloom-units | | Collection of standard Unix utilities (units) |
itpp | | Library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines |
kalgebra | | KDE graph calculator |
kcalc | | KDE scientific calculator |
kseg | | Interactive geometry program |
lapack | | Linear Algebra PACKage |
libffm | | Fast alpha-optimized replacement for some libm routines |
libmatheval | | Library for evaluating mathematical expressions |
linpack | | Library of linear algebra Fortran routines |
lp_solve | | Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver |
ltm | | Number theoretic multiple-precision integer library |
mapm | | Arbitrary Precision Math library |
mathomatic | | Small portable symbolic math program |
maxima | | Computer algebra system |
mcsim | | Monte Carlo Simulation software |
meschach | | Library of C Routines for Matrix Computations |
metis | | Unstructured graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering system |
mimetex (V) | | CGI to convert LaTeX math expression to GIF image |
minpack | | FORTRAN 77 library for the solution of nonlinear equations |
mpcomplex | | Multiprecision complex arithmetic library |
mpfr | | GMP-based library for multiple-precision floating-point computations |
mprime-bin | | Mersenne prime tester (binary) |
mtl | | Matrix Template Library |
muparser | | Parser for mathematical expressions |
newmat | | Newmat C++ Matrix Library |
nickle | | Desk calculator language |
ntl | | C++ library for doing number theory |
octave | | High-level language, intended for numerical computations |
octave-forge | | Extensions to Octave |
odepack | | Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers |
openaxiom | | Platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations |
openfst | | OpenFst is a library for manipulating transducers |
ordCalc | | Ordinal arithmetic calculator and research tool |
otter | | Automated Deduction System |
p5-Excel-Template | | Perl module for templating Excel files |
p5-Excel-Template-Plus | | An extension to the Excel::Template module |
p5-Math-Base36 | | Perl 5 module to encode and decode base36 strings |
p5-Math-Base85 | | Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924 |
p5-Math-BaseCnv | | Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases |
p5-Math-Bezier | | Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves |
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP | | Perl module for arbitrary size integer math via the GMP library |
p5-Math-BigInt-Pari | | Perl5 library to use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines |
p5-Math-BigInteger | | Arbitrary length integer extension module for Perl |
p5-Math-FFT | | Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms |
p5-Math-GMP | | Perl 5 module for high speed arbitrary size integer math |
p5-Math-Interpolate | | Perl module for interpolating data |
p5-Math-MatrixReal | | Perl module for performing operations on real matrices |
p5-Math-Pari | | Perl5 interface to the pari math library |
p5-Math-Permute-List | | Permute a list |
p5-Math-Random | | Random number generators |
p5-Math-Random-MT | | The Mersenne Twister PRNG |
p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto | | Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs |
p5-Math-Random-MT-Perl | | Pure Perl Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator |
p5-Math-Round | | Perl extension for rounding numbers |
p5-Math-VecStat | | Some basic numeric stats on vectors |
p5-Number-Compare | | Compiles a simple comparison to an anonymous subroutine |
p5-Number-Latin | | Perl module for lower/upper-latin numbering system |
p5-Roman | | Conversion of numeric notation between Roman and Arabic |
p5-Set-Crontab | | Perl module to parse crontab(5)-like lists of integers |
p5-Set-Infinite | | Perl module for sets of integers and objects |
p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel | | Perl module to get information from an Excel file |
p5-Spreadsheet-Read | | Perl 5 module to read the data from a spreadsheet |
p5-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC | | Perl 5 module to extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data |
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel | | Create Excel data files |
p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX | | Perl 5 module to read MS Excel 2007 files |
p5-Statistics-Descriptive | | Perl module of basic descriptive statistical functions |
p5-Test-Number-Delta | | Compare the difference between numbers against a given tolerance |
pari | | Software package for computer-aided number theory |
pari-galdata | | Galois group data for pari |
pear-Numbers_Roman | | Provides methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals |
pear-Numbers_Words | | Provides methods for spelling numerals in words |
php-bcmath | | PHP extension for bc-style arbitrary precision math |
php-gmp (V) | | PHP extension for arbitrary precision math |
ppl | | The Parma Polyhedra Library. Used by gcc for loop optimization |
prng | | Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators |
pspp | | Program for statistical analysis of sampled data |
py-ephem | | Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python |
py-fpconst | | IEEE 754 floating point special handling for Python |
py-gmpy | | Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic wirtten by Python |
py-mpmath | | Python library for arbitrary-precision FP arithmetic |
py-munkres | | Munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem |
py-networkx | | Python package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks |
py-numarray | | Array manipulation |
py-Numeric | | Adds multidimensional numeric arrays to Python |
py-numexpr | | Numerical expression evaluator for NumPy |
py-numpy | | Array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects |
py-pytables | | Database package for large amounts of data |
py-roman | | Integer to Roman numerals converter for Python |
py-rpy | | R interface for Python |
py-Scientific | | Python modules for scientific computing |
py-Scientific-doc | | Python modules for scientific computing |
py-scipy | | Scientific Algorithms Library for Python |
py-sympy | | Python library for symbolic mathematics |
qalculate | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (console version) |
qalculate-bases | | Utility for conversion between number bases using Qalculate |
qalculate-currency | | Utility for conversion between currencies using Qalculate |
qalculate-gtk | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (GNOME version) |
qalculate-kde | | Modern multi-purpose desktop calculator (KDE version) |
qalculate-units | | Utility for conversion between units using Qalculate |
qhull | | Computing the convex hull |
quadpack | | Fortran subroutines for the solution of definite univariate integrals |
R | | Statistical language for data analysis and graphics |
R-abind | | Combine multi-dimensional arrays |
R-akima | | Linear or cubic spline interpolation for irregular gridded data |
R-bitops | | Functions for Bitwise operations on integer vectors |
R-car | | Accompanies An R Companion to Applied Regression, 2nd Edition |
R-CGIwithR | | Facilities for the use of R to write CGI scripts |
R-chron | | Chronological objects which can handle dates and times |
R-circular | | Circular Statistics, from Topics in circular Statistics |
R-classInt | | Package for choosing univariate class intervals for graphics |
R-clim.pact | | Climate analysis and downscaling for monthly and daily data |
R-combinat | | Routines for combinatorics |
R-DAAG | | Example data sets and functions implemented in R |
R-date | | R functions for handling dates |
R-DBI | | R Database Interface |
R-e1071 | | Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien |
R-gdata | | Various R programming tools for data manipulation |
R-genetics | | Classes and methods for handling genetic data |
R-geoR | | Geostatistical analysis including likelihood-based and Bayesian methods |
R-geoRglm | | Generalised linear spatial models in R |
R-GRASS | | Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R |
R-gstat | | Uni/multivariable geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation |
R-gtools | | Various R programming tools |
R-httpRequest | | Implements the GET, POST and multipart POST request |
R-hwde | | Models and tests for departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium |
R-ISwR | | Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R' |
R-lmm | | Improved procedures for linear mixed models with R |
R-mapproj | | Converts latitude/longitude into projected coordinates |
R-maps | | Display maps in R |
R-mvtnorm | | Computes the multivariate normal and t distribution |
R-ncdf | | High-level R interface to Unidata's netCDF data files |
R-PHYLOGR | | Manipulation of phylogenetically simulated data sets using GLS |
R-pixmap | | Functions for manipulations of bitmaps with R |
R-R2HTML | | R functions to write an HTML file |
R-RandomFields | | Simulation and analysis of random fields |
R-randomForest | | Classification and regression based on a forest of trees |
R-RArcInfo | | Read geographical information from Arc/Info |
R-Rcmdr | | Platform-independent basic-statistics GUI for R |
R-RColorBrewer | | ColorBrewer palettes |
R-RPostgreSQL | | R interface to the PostgreSQL database system |
R-sgeostat | | Object-oriented framework for geostatistical modeling in S+ |
R-shapefiles | | Functions to read and write ESRI shapefiles |
R-sp | | Classes and methods for spatial data |
R-spacetime | | Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data |
R-splancs | | Spatial and space-time point pattern analysis |
R-statmod | | Miscellaneous biostatistical modeling functions |
R-wle | | Weighted Likelihood Estimation |
R-XML | | Tools for parsing and generating XML within R |
R-xts | | eXtensible Time Series |
R-zoo | | S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series |
randlib | | Library of C Routines for Random Number Generation |
ruby-rb-gsl | | Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library |
ruby-spreadsheet | | Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents |
sc | | Curses-based spreadsheet program |
scilab | | High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics |
siag (V) | | Poor man's office suite with spreadsheet, word processor, etc |
slatec | | Library of mathematical and statistical Fortran 77 subroutines |
snns | | Software simulator for neural networks |
speedcrunch | | Calculator |
statist | | Small and portable statistics program |
superlu | | ANSI C routine library for the solution of sparse linear systems |
tasp-vsipl | | Vector Signal Image Processing Library |
teapot | | Curses based spread sheet program |
tex-fp | | Fixed point arithmetic |
tex-fp-doc | | Documentation for tex-fp |
tex-kastrup | | Expansible conversion into binary-based number systems |
tex-kastrup-doc | | Documentation for tex-kastrup |
texdrive | | Emacs mode for creating inline formulae for HTML |
TinySVM | | Tiny Support Vector Machines |
tochnog | | Finite Element Analysis Program |
udunits | | Library and program for manipulating units of physical quantities |
units | | GNU Units - a calculator capable of performing unit conversions |
vista | | Visual statistics system |
wxMaxima | | Graphical UI for maxima |
xeukleides | | X-Frontend for A Euclidean geometry drawing language |
xfractint | | Fractint for X11 |
xgap | | GUI for GAP |
xldlas | | XForms-based statistics package |
xlife | | John Horton Conway's Game of Life |
xlispstat | | Statistics/X11-based LISP interpreter |
xmgr | | Powerful XY plotting tool for workstations or X-terminals using X |
xylib | | Library for reading powder diffraction data |
yacas | | Yet Another Computer Algebra System |
yorick | | Numerical algebra system (similar to Matlab) |